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  Y/n was back in her room. Happiness was radiating out of her body. She sat on the edge of her bed, swinging her feet before letting her body fall backward. She rolled around, giggling. She stopped suddenly.

  "What the hell am I doing.." she whispered. She sat up on the edge of the bed and shook those thoughts away. She stood up and decided to take a shower to wash off those thoughts.

  She undressed herself and hopped in the shower and let the warm water caress her soft skin. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and relaxed. The whole feeling was so comforting and calming. She wrapped her hands around her body like a hug, rubbing them up and down her body. With her eyes still closed, she enjoyed this moment at its fullest.

  "Is the water warm enough?" Asked König, replacing her arms and rubbing her skin.

  "Mhm~," she responded, allowing her body to rest on his.

  "Gut. Do you like it when my hands travel on your body like this? Hm~?" He asked, moving his hands up and down.

  "Yes, yes I do," she answered with her head backward on his chest and arching her back slightly.

  "Mmh~ I'm glad, Liebling," he whispered on her neck as he placed a few gentle kisses on her neck and shoulders. " Your skin is so soft..." he whispered with his lips still on her skin.

  "What the actual fuck am I doing...?" She said opening her eyes. König was gone now, and his body was replaced with the bathroom wall. "Did i actually just imagine that?" She asked herself in disbelief. She looked down at herself and at her hands "Fucking hell, I'm losing my mind"

  She finished her shower as fast as possible, not wanting to be in there any longer. As she passed by the mirror in the room with her towel around her, she remembered she had a bandage and that König asked her to come to his room to change it after her shower. "Shit...". She changed into something comfortable and walked walked towards his room. "It's not awkward if I don't make it awkward." she kept repeating herself.

  She knocked at the door and waited. No response, so she knocked again and waited.

  "Hey? Are you there?" She said, expecting a response. She heard rushed steps on the other side of the room.

  "Ja! Hold on a little, " König screamed from behind the door. Y/n waited patiently outside. König finally opened the door, breathing heavily. The t-shirt on him was slightly wet, and his scent was stronger than before.

  "You good?" Y/n asked, looking up at him.

  "Yeah, I was just taking a shower. You kinda disturbed me, you know?" He joked, still panting. Y/n rolled her eyes, and he let out a small chuckle.

  "So can I come on or not?"

  "Yeah, yeah, come in. Why are you being so sassy?" He asked, still laughing softy.

  "You told me to come in here after I shower to change my bandage." She said, dropping the mad act.

  "Yeah, sit down on my bed," he said, stepping out of her way and putin his arms on his hips as she walked in and sat on his bed.

  "Why is yours better than mine?!" She complained as she sat down on his bed. He shook his head while laughing.

  "You think my bed is better?"

  "Yes! Can we switch?" She asked, rocking her body up and down on the bed.

  "You want my bed? Is it really that different?"

  "Mhm! Actually, I don't wanna leave your bed," she said before laying down.

  "Hey! Then where am I supposed to sleep?!" He protested, trying not to laugh too much. He found her behavior cute.

  "Not my problem."

  "At least let me change your bandage," he said as he was walking towards her. He took out a small kit from his nightstand and kneeled in front of her.

  "Mhm, thanks again." She said while standing up and pulling her sleeve out of the way. König took off the old bandage, looking at her wound.

  "It looks... alright. " he said softly, rotating her hand left and right to take a better look at it.

  He applied a cream on her wound, watching her flinch every time he got too close to her with his fingers.

  "I'm trying to be gentle, I'm sorry," he said with worry and guilt in his eyes.

  "It's ok, don't worry," she said, closing her eyes and clenching her teeth.

  "I'll try to distract you from the pain," he said softly, taking her palm in his free one and giving her a massage . "Let's talk about something."

  "About what?" She asked, seeming not as tense as before.

  "Anything!" He responded with a smile.

  "Um, about going out to shop for the ingredients for the cake..." she started."Is there a reason why you seemed...unhappy to go with me?" König stopped the hand massage for a moment, freezing up. He took a deep breath and then looked at her.

  "That's not it," he said, barely above a whisper. " I just don't like going out without my mask. I don't know how to explain. It's my comfort object, I suppose, I get really anxious without it. Plus, I feel like people will judge me even more..."

  "Huh? So you show your face when going out? Y/n asked, trying to hide that she was actually happy to see his face, finally.

  "Nein, I wear a balaclava with a hat." He answered.

  "Ah, I see. You're a pretty anxious person, right?" She asked with a warm voice, like a worried mother.

  "Ja, severe social anxiety. I don't know how you got so close to me so fast." He said, chuckling. "There, now we just have to wait for your skin to absorb the cream, and then we can put the bandage back on." He said while sitting up.

  "Has anyone seen your face? Horangi?" Y/n was really curious now about who, when, and how they saw his face.

  "Noup, just my family and friends from my hometown, I think," he said while sitting on the edge of the bed, too.

  "Why are you covering it?..."

  "Y/n..." he said, like he wanted her to drop the subject. "I'm just - I feel like a monster, honestly, and people look at me like I really am one. A-and my scars... I hate the way they look at me." Whith these words, he managed to break her heart, turning it into powder.

  "Don't say that... you don't look like a monster, not a single bit!" She tried cheering him up. "I promise!" She cupped his face in her palms, forcing him to look at her. "I never thought of you that way!"

  "Danke, y/n," he said, putting his hands over hers and closing his eyes. He stayed like that for a moment before opening his eyes again." Let's put your bandage back." He let go of her hands, and she let go of his head. He wrapped a new bandage.

  He finished in no time, both of them remaining silent. He gave her a small squeeze before taking his hands off of her. He looked at the clock on his nightstand and noticed that it was almost dinner time.

  "Should we go down?" He asked, facing ger again.

  "Sure," she stood up, quickly being followed by König too. "Can I... um, use your bathroom first?"

  "Yeah, go ahead. I'll wait for you outside, alright?"

  She gave him a nod and opened the door to his bathroom as he went outside on the hallways.

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