Side Story:~Cold Hugs~

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A/N: Hai guys~! Sorry for being inactive. I got the flu, plus school made me busy as heck. I can only give you guys this Side Story of Kido getting sick. QwQ
This Side Story was before they got married~
//I just realized we hit 1k views, keep it up~!

"Ehh-- Are you sure you'll be fine, danchou?!" Momo asked with unbelieving eyes. She was talking to a certain green-haired girl who, unfortunately, caught a cold.

"Yes, I w-will-- excuse m-- ACHOO!" 
Sneezing, Kido tried to reassure her that she would be fine.

Momo shook her head. "You clearly aren't," She said in a disapproving tone. "We're going out today, but Kano can take care of you!" Ayano said, smiling worriedly.

Kido's eyes widened. "What?! Kano?!"

While all the Dan members grinned, the said boy came barging into the room.

Kano started to tease her in a singsong voice. "Kido~ my love~ do you need my hel--"

A loud sound resonated in the room, and they saw Kano on the floor with a very red Kido mumbling under her breath.

Nervously, the Dan started inching out the doorway.
"I'll bet they'll be fine?" Seto laughed. Hibiya and Shintaro just looked dismayed. "I think the house'll be safe." Konoha mumbled.

As they closed the door behind them, countless of shrieks and crashes could be heard.
"They'll be fine!" Ayano said.


"You idiot! That's not curry!"
Kido looked disgusted  at the 'delicious' curry Kano had made for her. More like horrified.

"It's not that bad.... Despite smelling like sour milk and that green color." Kano scratched his head, laughing nervously.

Sighing, Kido shook her head. "I'll just make a delivery... Anyway, leave it to me and stop causing disasters."
Kano made a pouty face. "By disasters, you mean?"
"That monster curry, of course."
"How mean~ I'm just bad at making curry~" Kano complained.

"Haaah... Finally, my fever went down."
Kido stretched her arms, glancing outside the window. It was already evening, with the sky colored with different shades of pink, orange and red. It was also beginning to rain.

'Is it this late? And where is Kano?'
Looking around, she noticed a note on the table.

Gone to buy medicine and food at the grocery store. I'll be back.
-Sincerely, your love Kano~

"That idiot. I already said I could just sleep it off," Kido sighed. 'Anyway, I think he forgot his umbrella. Should I go give it to him?'
Taking a peek outside, she could see the rainfall getting heavier and heavier. So, taking two umbrellas with her, she started going in the direction of the convenience store.

Along the way, she saw a figure just below a tree crouched down, and coming closer, she could see it was actually Kano.
At least, what she expected was teasing and his carefree smile, but not a frown and a worried face.

"What were you thinking, coming out here in the rain when you have a fever?!" Kano said, pulling her under the tree.
The distance between them was so small that even body contact with him made her blush. Kido was really grateful that he still thinks she has a fever or else she would definitely get teased for her flushed cheeks.

"Ah- b-but it was raining, and you didn't take your umbrella, s-so what if you got sick?" Kido said, unable to know why he was so mad at her.

Kano just sighed, finally letting go of his frown. He hugged her close, and even Kido could feel that he had been standing out in the rain for a while.

"It won't matter if you also get sick again." He murmured. Although making her blush,  she still managed to retort. "Why would you get worried?"

He didn't look at her, but as far as she can tell, he was blushing. "Because I was worried about you, now be quiet and let me protect you from the rain."
Blushing, Kido silently obliged, enjoying the warmth of his embrace and treasuring this moment forever.



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