Chapter 4.5: The Chaotic Morning

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Kido woke up to the feeling of something crushing her. When her vision focused, she realized it was Kano who was hugging her.

It didn't bother her much anymore, as she liked seeing his sleeping face, although she won't say that. She was already used to Kano sneaking in her room and sleeping next to her, but she can't feel a little bit nervous sometimes.
Kido allowed herself to smile a little, and caressed Kano's hair.

'Days like these are the best....' She thought. Light was coming through the window, and the sound of birds chirping outside. It was an ordinary day, but Kido was happy.

Why? Because she didn't need to worry about the wedding today. Simply put, it was a break day. A day for Kido to relax.

'Ah... But I have to cook breakfast.... What time is it?'

Kido was about to get up when Kano pulled her down.

"You weren't thinking of leaving me, right?" Kano asked. Kido, still nervous about him being too close, stammered, "O-of course I won't, Idiot!"

Kano smirked. "Then," He said. "Would you give me a forehead kiss~?"

Kido's whole face grew red. "W-why would I? I mean, I've already allowed you to sleep in my bed--"

Kano hugged her again. "Because I want more." He whispered in Kido's ear. "Because I love you too much."
Kido blushed, but managed to plant a kiss on his forehead.

"T-there. Now let me go." Kido said, blushing and trying to wriggle out of the hug.

Kano just smirked. "Did you really think I'll let you go~?"


He cut her off by planting a kiss on her cheek and hugging her. Kido sighed.
'I guess I'll let this pass for once....'

Unconsciously, she ran her hand through Kano's hair. 'So soft.' Kido thought. Kano smiled at her and buried his face in the crook of his neck.

She liked mornings like these, where she can just relax, even if it's just for a moment.

Kido felt sleepy again, due to the quiet and calm atmosphere. However, just about when she was about to doze off, the door swung open.

"Kido-san! Help!"
It was Marry. "We tried making bre- Oh." She stopped as soon as she saw them both cuddling, and grew red. "O-oh, I'm sorry for interrupting, Kido-san...."

Kido grew red too. "I-It's alright. What's wrong?" She said, eager to change topic. Kido also managed to wriggle out of Kano's hold because he was asleep.

"Well, we- no, actually Momo-san tried making breakfast when--"

"What is that smell?"
Kano said, and sat up, rubbing his eyes. Kido could also smell something. It was like something was burning.

Another person went in the room before Marry could reply. It was Shintaro.

"Kido..... I am deeply sorry for what my sister has created!!"
He said and bowed, holding out his hands to show Kido and Kano a burned-beyond-recognition toast.

Kido groaned. "Who made Kisaragi cook..?"

"Master did~!"
A voice came from Shintaro's phone. It was Ene. "He thought it Momo would cook something really nice~"

Kido just sighed, while Kano burst into a fit of laughter.
"Poor Kisaragi-chan......Ppft---" He muffled his laughter with a pillow.

"It's okay.... I'll go cook breakfast now--"

Momo entered the room, smiling and carrying a plate with an identical nugget.
"Ah, danchou! I tried cooking breakfast today! Would you like to taste one??"

Kido didn't know how to respond. However, looking past her, she saw Konoha fanning Seto.
"W-what happened to Seto?" Kido asked, worried.

Momo shrugged. "I don't know."
Behind her, Shintaro and Marry were making an X sign with their arms and shaking their heads.

Kido gulped. 'I-It would be natural for Kisaragi to be bad at cooking.... But still, don't judge a book by it's cover, so maybe it's the same for food...'

She was about to agree when Kano stood up.
"Ah- Kisaragi-chan, I'll taste it....." Although he was grinning, it was clear he was nervous.

'He did it for me?' Kido questioned in her mind, puzzled. Kano just gave her a reassuring smile.

"Okay, here you go!" Momo said, handing him the plate.

Kano looked at it, gulped, and picked the nugget up.

'It's for Kido.... Do it for Kido so she won't have to....' Kano thought, squeezing his eyes shut and bringing it towards his mouth.
Everyone was watching in anticipation.

Kano ate it.

"It's surprisingly not ba..." Before he could finish his sentence, he fell down.

"Kano!" Kido said, and rushed towards him. "We need to get Seto and him to a hospital!"

"Oy, oy, oy! What did you put in there, Momo?!" Shintaro said, supporting Kano.

"Nothing, Nii-san! I did exactly as the recipe said!!" Momo replied, pouting.

"Ahahaha! Kano will be fine, so will be Seto!" Ene said, laughing.

"Ene! Not helping!" Shintaro said, glaring at her.

"W-wa....." Kano started to speak.
"What is it?!" Kido said.

"Wa...ter..." Kano weakly mumbled.
Hibiya, who had been hiding in the closet the entire time, went to go fetch water.

He came back with a glass of water. "Here..... And just so you know, Obaa-san's cooking is really poisonous...." He sighed, shaking his head. He gave the glass to Kido.

"Here... Drink it." Kido said, tilting Kano's head up to make him drink it. He drank it.

"Idiot... Why'd you go eat it for me?" Kido said, shaking her head.
"Because.... I love you." Kano said, grinning weakly.

Blushing, she then supported Kano and let him lie down on the bed.
"Go rest now." She said.

"Kisaragi-san... I think it's better to leave the cooking to me." Kido mumbled, a bit worried for the future mornings to come.
Momo, although depressed, nodded. "Okay, danchou."

"Alright! Come on, Kido-san! Make us breakfast please!" Ene shouted.
Shintaro shook his head. "You can't even eat." As a reply, Ene just stuck her tongue out.

Kido grinned. "Alright, enough. I'll make breakfast now."
They all headed towards the kitchen, laughing.

------EXTENDED ENDING-------

"Guys?....Uh, Guys??"
It was Seto, who was still on the couch.

"They forgot about me..? Oh, sorry about that, Konoha."
Konoha was staring sadly at the others.

"We didn't appear much.... Other than having an Extended Ending all to ourselves." He said sadly. "I didn't even get to taste Momo-san's cooking."
With that tone, it would fit if he had puppy ears that were drooping.

Seto turned white and just laughed nervously. "Konoha, you're lucky you didn't."

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