Chapter 1: The Birthday Party and Proposal

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"Kido, wake up!!" A voice said and shook her shoulders.

The green-haired girl opened her eyes to find Momo shaking her. "What is it, Kisaragi? This early in the morn-" She started to say, but then Momo started dragging her out the door. "Hey-wait, Kisaragi, I'm still in my paja--"


Shouts echoed in the room. Suddenly, Kido's eyes went wide. 'Oh yeah,' she thought, 'it was my birthday today.'

"Happy Birthday, danchou!" Momo said, smiling at her. "Thanks, Kisaragi," Kido said, awkwardly smiling.
"Ah, Happy Birthday, Kido!" Seto said, handing her a stuffed toy. And it was a deer. Kido scratched her head and thought, 'Typical Seto.' But took it, anyway.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DANCHOU!!" The voice came from Momo's phone, and on the phone was the figure of a girl with blue hair. "I bet you're sad because Kano's not here, are you~?" Ene teased, sticking her tongue out.

Sure enough, Ene was telling the truth. Kano wasn't in the room, neither was Hibiya, Shintaro, Marry, Ayano and Konoha. 'I wonder where they are?' Kido thought.

"Ppft~ Look, Kido's lost in thought because I mentioned Kano~" Ene smirked.
"Ene, shut up." Kido said, irritated because she missed Kano a little. 'You idiot,' Kido thought. 'BaKano* doesn't feel the same way......'

Sighing, Kido replied, "Thank you, everyone. Im happy."

"No, you're not."
They all turned around to see Marry, holding something in her hands. "Ah, Marry, where have you been?"

Suddenly she turned red, and almost said something when Seto covered her mouth.
"Ahahahahaha- Danchou, I think she wants you to go somewhere?" Seto nervously said, all the while holding Marry's mouth closed.

Kido stared at them suspiciously. 'This is all too suspicious. Ene is acting normally, as with Kisaragi, but Seto and Marry are acting weird.'

"Okay, then. Where do I go?"

Marry and Seto looked at each other, then looked at her again.
"Uhm, Kido, we kinda need to blindfold you....." Seto mumbled, and Marry opened her hands to reveal a blindfold.

"Why?" Kido asked, baffled. 'Is this some kind of suprise party?'
Marry broke free from Seto's hand. "P-please just go along with our plan, Kido!" She said, looking at her with puppy eyes.

Kido sighed, but agreed. Seto and Marry then put the blindfold on her. She felt them lead her out of the place.

"Where are we going, exactly?" Kido asked. "If we tell you, It won't be a surprise!" An excited voice said beside her, which she assumed was Marry. She also guessed that Seto was grinning stupidly.
"Just trust us, Kido!"
"Alright, alright, fine." Replied Kido, and they kept leading her to some place.
"Ta-da!!" Somebody said, and removed her blindfold. Suddenly, colorful lights entered her vision and caused her to close her eyes.

"Oops, was that too bright? Sorry, Kido-san." Apologized a voice, and when Kido opened her eyes she saw that it was Konoha. "Konoha? Wait, what?"
Kido looked around to find out that she was in a tent, a big tent. There was a banner on the walls of the tent, saying "Happy Birthday, danchou!"
There was also a table with food on it, and a cake that had the word "Mekakushi" decorated on it.

Kido was filled with happiness. "You guys..... What exactly.." Kido said, speechless.
"It Kano's plan, actually," Shintaro suddenly appeared beside her and started talking. "You should thank him."

"Eh, but most of the money used was from the Kisaragi siblings!" Hibiya came crawling out underneath the table. "But it was all Kano's plan, we were only helping," Momo said, shaking her head.

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