S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I've told you don't need a passport." the Doctor says looking down from where he's working at Rose.

"It's very well going to Platform One and Justicia and the Glass Pyramid of San Kaloon, but what if we end up in Brazil? I might need it. You, see I'm prepared for anything." Rose tells the man.

"It sounds like you're staying, then." Mickey says sadly. "So what are you doing in Cardiff? And who the hell's Jumping Jack Flash? I mean, I don't mind you hanging out with Big Ears up there..."

"Oi!" the Doctor says offended.

"Look in the mirror. The Captain was pushing it, but this guy, I don't know, he's kinda..." Mickey comments.

"Handsome?" Jack asks so sure of himself.

"More like cheesy." Mickey says earning a chuckle from the Captain.

"Early 21st-century slang, is cheesy good or bad?" Jack asks.

"It's bad." Mickey nods.

"But bad means good, isn't that right?" Jack says taking a few steps closer to the two.

"Are you saying I'm not handsome?" the Doctor asks climbing down from the ladder he was stood on.

"We just stopped off, we need to refuel. Thing is, Cardiff's got a rift through the middle of the city. It's invisible but it's like an earthquake fault between different dimensions." Rose tells Mickey.

"The rift was healed back in 1869." the Captain says as he makes his way towards the couple as the Doctor also joins them.

"Thanks to a girl named Gwyneth, because these creatures called the Gelth, they were using it as a gateway but she saved the world and closed it." Rose continues.

"But closing a rift leaves a scar, and that scar generates energy, harmless to the human race..." Jack says.

"But perfect for the Tardis. I park it here for a couple of days, on top of the scar and..." the Doctor adds.

"Open up the engines, soak up the radiation..." the Captain goes on to say.

"Like filling her up with petrol, and off we go!" Rose smiles.

"Into time!" Jack says.

"And space!" the four exclaim at the same time and high five each other.

"My God, have you seen yourselves? You all think you're so clever, don't you?"

"Yup." the Doctor and Captain nod at the same time.

"Yeah!" Rose exclaims.

"Yep." Jack says.


"It'll take another 24 hours, so we've got time to kill." the Doctor informs the others as they stand outside of the Tardis.

"That old lady's staring." Mickey says.

"Probably wondering what five people can do inside a small wooden box." Jack laughs patting the Captains shoulder.

"What are you captain of - the Innuendo Squad?" Mickey asks unimpressed. Jack responds by shaping his fingers into a 'W' sign before starting to walk off.

"Wait, er, the Tardis, you can't just leave it, doesn't it get noticed?" Mickey asks.

"Yeah, what's with the police box? Why does it look like that?" Jack then asks after turning back round to face the Tardis.

"It's a cloaking device." Rose says.

"It's called a chameleon circuit." the Captain tells them.

"The Tardis is meant to disguise itself wherever it lands. Like if this was ancient Rome, it'd be a statue on a plinth or something." the Doctor adds.

The Doctor and The Captain - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now