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One week, Jackson had lasted one week from me moving out before he started hitting up my phone harassing me with text after text after text.
         I said I'm sorry.
         Just tell me where you are!
         We can work this out. I'm sorry
She didn't mean anything for me
You weren't supposed to be home
        I wasn't lying I love you. She meant NOTHING.
        Fuck you. Like you're so perfect. It's not like you aren't now hooking up with that douche that came with you. I see the way he looked at you.
        You're a damn whore!
I turned my phone off after about the 10th text sighing. It had been a super quiet week. The day after I had moved in Ryder had checked on me but besides that it had been constant texts I hadn't seen him. I had seen Nate and Luke around since they lived on the floor but it was always at odd hours of the night when I was either returning from work, or going down to grab my door dash and even when I saw them they seemed off and unsure.
Come 7 pm I sat cozied up on my couch in my purple fuzzy blanket watching Law and Order SVU. I was probably about 90% asleep when there was a loud bang on my door. Jumping up I ran to look through the peep hole when I saw Luke and Nate.
"Uh come in?" I questioned as I opened the door.
"Oh thank god" Nate mumbled and my eyes widened as he slammed the door behind him.
"Everything okay?" I questioned and the guys shared a puzzled look at each other before looking around the room.
"is Ryder not here?" Luke questioned ignoring my question.
"No? Why would he be... I haven't seen him since the day after I moved in..."
"Has he texted you?" Nate asked once again both of them ignoring my question.
"I don't know my phones been off..." I confessed and both boys turned to look at me.
"Why?" They asked in unison and I rolled my eyes. Sure NOW they wanted to listen to my responses.
"I was watching a movie" i cringed at how stupid my excuse seemed. I could have just silenced it or put it on airplane mode if that was the true reason. The two boys shared a look that told me they didn't believe me but neither of them said a word about it.
"Well can you check?" Luke snapped. "Please?" He added after Nate nudged him. I didn't bother to ask why. Something told me that if they wanted me to know then I would know. I powered on my phone cringing at the 32 texts incoming from Jackson.
"What does that asshole want" Nate questioned and I mentally palmed my face for not thinking to hide the phone to turn it on.
"I uh... last I checked he was begging for forgiveness." I admitted. "I don't know. I didn't respond it's why I turned the phone off." I confessed. I scrolled through my texts. Nothing new from Ryder. My last text to him still sitting unread. "He didn't text me" I finally spoke as I realized both of them were waiting for an answer. They shared a look for a second a conversation passing between the two of them that I was clueless to.
"Can you call him?" Luke asked and I sighed.
"I don't know.... He doesn't really seem to want to talk to me..." I admitted and Luke let out a grumble muttering the words "he's an idiot" I didn't think I was supposed to hear him so I didn't bother responding to that part.
"Please Amelia?" Nate pleaded.  I didn't know them well at all, and for all I know I could have been walking straight into a trap or something. But the tone and genuine fear they had in their eyes? That to me made me think maybe it was something bad. And while I didn't know Ryder well,  if there was any possibility that I could repay the favor of finding me a place to live. Well that I couldn't pass up. I relented and hit the phone icon next to Ryders name and waited nervously. One ring.... I could see feel my heart rate increase. Two rings.... I could feel my breathing becoming rapid. Three rings... I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.
       "Everything okay princess?" Ryders voice sounded on the either end of the line.
       "Were you just ignoring us?" Nate called from next to me and it was met with silence. "Ryder!" He exclaimed when he still didn't answer.
        "Princess... why is he there?" He questioned concern laced his tone. "Is something wrong?" 
         "I'm here too!" Luke called and I heard Ryder sigh.
         "Are they bothering you princess?" Ryder questioned and I watched as both boys grew increasingly annoyed as he seemingly ignored any comment they made.
       "Uh.... Honestly to be determined...." I hesitated. "They sort of just showed up and asked if I had heard from you..." I added "and when I said no they asked me to call you. So I guess the question I should be asking is are YOU okay?"  I hated that any part of me was concerned right now. I barely knew him yet he had managed to bury his way into my thoughts and emotions more than I cared to admit.
       "I'm fine..." I could hear the uncertainty in his voice but I didn't bother to ask, he always dodged conversations about himself. "Just leaving the gym and on my way home...." He added and out of the corner of my eye I saw both boys relax. "Can they hang there until I'm home? It shouldn't be more than 10 minutes..." I looked back over at the Tv and then at the guys nodding my head.
      "Yeah dumb and dumber can stay here" both boys groaned a hey in response and Ryder let out a small chuckle.
       "Thanks princess. I'll be there soon" he added before hanging up and meeting the eyes of Nate and Luke. A glare on my face.
"You bothered me... because he was at the GYM and not responding?" I questioned.
"Well he.." Luke started and Nate elbowed him.
"Sorry Amelia..." Nate spoke shooting a look at Luke who quieted immediately.
"It's fine" I sighed. "I guess make yourselves comfortable" I shrugged returning to the couch and hitting play on the episode only to immediately pause it again. "By the way... can you maybe not tell Ryder that Jackson was texting me?" I questioned and both boys shared a look.
"Did he threaten you at all?" Luke questioned and I shook my head no.
"I mean I haven't read the last 35 messages so." I turned to grab my phone only to see Nate scrolling through it and I glared. "How the hell..."
"I saw your passcode" he shrugged before turning to look at Luke. "To answer your question yes he did" he turned the phone to Luke and I only happened to catch a glance.
You better hope that I never find out where you live or...
I was only able to see the first part before Luke took my phone scrolling through.
"What an absolute douche canoe."
"Douche canoe?" I questioned doing my best to hide my amusement when Luke nodded.
"Yeah a douche canoe. Doesn't he know how to treat a lady? Yet alone how to talk to one?" Luke questioned. "What did you see in him?" He questioned and I shifted awkwardly.
"Believe it or not he wasn't always like that... I guess just his true colors finally showing" I shrugged doing my best not to cry. A loud knock on the door interrupted the now awkward silence.
"I'll get it!" Nate shot up making his way to the door. "Oh hey Ryder!" He greeted innocently.
"You fucking idiots" he grumbled as he entered my apartment. "You knew what I was doing... why did you drag Amelia into it?" He whispered and I felt the nerves build up in my stomach... he was at the gym what did he mean by dragging me into it? And if he didn't want me involved in his life why did he answer my call?
Finally my eyes turned to meet him as he shoved his way past Nate and my heart dropped at the sight.

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