Move In Day

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The next morning I was a BALL of nerves. "I shouldn't have said yes" I muttered for the millionth time to Sheila who just sat there staring at me.

"Its not like you're living with Ryder" she smiled at me and I glared at the way she placed inflection on his name. As if Ryder was the reason I was worried. Suddenly I froze.

"what if I am?! What if THAT is why it's so cheap...." I slammed my palm against my forehead "I never even ASKED if anyone else lived there...." I slinked into my chair trying to calm down my panic attack.

"Amelia..." Sheila spoke taking my hand in hers. "deep breaths...." I have a feeling that Ryder would have mentioned that." she continued and I nodded my head.

"You're right." I sighed standing up "I better finish getting ready." I made my way to the bathroom taking off my tank and sweatpants and replacing them with leggings and white cropped T-shirt. I brushed through my hair and brushed my teeth before tossing my toiletries into my bag and grabbing my keys. "I'm ready..." Sheila nodded her head before slipping her shoes on and heading for the door. Our plan was to go to the apartment first with my few bags, then AFTER we decided it was safe we would go to my old apartment and grab my items.

"let's go hot stuff" Sheila winked and I appreciated her attempt at hyping me up and distracting me.

I plugged in the address Ryder gave me before shooting him off a quick text

Hey Ryder, GPS says well be there in 15 minutes.

By the time we pulled into the lot 15 minutes later Ryder hadn't answered my text and I had a weird feeling in my gut and I panicked shooting him a second text as Sheila and I got out of the parked car entering the building.

Here! Are you here Ryder?

"Hello Miss can I help you?" A short older gentleman wearing a bellhop uniform asked as the door closed behind us.

" oh... uh.. I am supposed to be moving into apartment 6 A...." I spoke and the gentleman nodded his head.

"Ah you must be Ryder's friend Amelia...." I wasn't sure if there was any world at this point that I would call us friends, but I was sure that that made way more sense than saying we were strangers.

"I am..." I confirmed and the older gentleman smiled politely at me.

"well Ryder and the others are waiting in the apartment for you." he sent me a gentle smile "head on up" I turned to look at Sheila who turned back giving me the same expression I was giving her but we both turned to the elevator.

"the others?!" I whispered to her and she shrugged her shoulders at me an I told you so look on her face.

"you're the one thats friends with Ryder... shouldn't you know?" She questioned and I rolled my eyes.

"point made" I knew I was being short but I was anxious and her sarcasm? Not appreciated, not while I was doing my best not to have a panic attack. When the elevator rang signaling we were on the 6th floor we both walked out quietly. "right there!" I spotted the letters 6 A on the wall and freaked when I heard a commotion going on inside. "Great. I knew I shouldn't have said yes to this. Now someone has either broken into my apartment.... or I have roommates" I panicked at the thought before knocking.

"Come in!" Ryders voice rang and I felt instant relief wash over me. "Princess is that you?" He called a few seconds later when I hadn't moved and Sheila nudged me gently inside.

"hey Ryder..." I did my best to hide my confusion as I took in the scene in front of us. Ryder stood in jeans and a t-shirt, a paint roller in his hand. Next to him stood another guy only probably an inch or two shorter than Ryder. He had blonde shaggy hair but he was just toned. He was also helping to paint and in the kitchen was a third guy who stood a couple inches shorter he had short blonde hair. My presence seemingly caused all three guys to stop what they were doing as they turned to look at me the guy next to Ryder let out a low whistle and I watched and Ryder sent him a scary glare.

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