Me: I have several green bananas inside my ship, we are going to make banana chips, so they won't spoil over time, but I am surprised that there are so many banana plants in this place.

I had easily gotten 300 kg of green bananas so to have plenty of food and not spoil them, I order the kitchen to cut them all into slices and decide to fry them all at once, the process would last 3 hours with 15 minutes.

Then I sat on a rock to rest for a while while sighing.

Me: Damn, what an adventure I'm having, it's a shame that I'm talking to nothing to pass the time, it's cruel to be in nothingness without someone to socialize with.

While I was thinking about the things that could have happened or why I had been reincarnated here as an aircraft carrier that did not exist in real life and was only an aircraft carrier from a video game, I heard footsteps, I became alert, hiding behind one of the closest trees and I stalked from there, from the place of the sound and the grass I saw a crocodile come out and I sighed with relief, the damn crocodile had scared me, I sighed with relief, when something moved behind me and a woman came out and she pointed a gun at me. their naval cannons and I do the same with my pistol.

Me: Bob?

???: Wade?

Author: Wait! Wait!

[Cut II]

Something moved behind me and a woman came out and she points her naval cannon at me and I do the same with my pistol.

Me: Villar?

???: Commander? What are you doing here?

At that the girl lowers her cannon and sighs of relief, although I had never seen this girl in my life, the memory of the ship does remember her, she is the destroyer BAP Villar, she is a subvariant destroyer of the Fubuki class, The only difference is that a crane and a catapult were added to carry seaplanes.

[Villar Appearance]

  Me: Damn, you scared me that almost stopped my heart

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Me: Damn, you scared me that almost stopped my heart.

Villar: and you too.

Villar is a destroyer as I said before of the Fubuki class, she is the flagship of the combined fleet of the coast guard, the reason was simple, many 7.4 cm cannons were installed on her for asymmetric threats and the detection of illegal vessels using The seaplane that she carries, additionally if it encountered Axis ships, could use its 6 torpedoes and 12.7 cm cannons.

Me: What are you doing here? How did you get here?

Villar: That is a question that I want to answer just like you, honestly I don't remember very well what happened, I remember that the last thing I was on one of my normal patrols when I met the Axis enemy and we had a fight, I remember Vaguely that I managed to escape from the combat and then I was here, I was surprised that I now had a human body.

Azur Lane: Cursed in this beautiful world. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin