Ash threw the ball up, "Come on out."

A Pikachu appeared looking really annoyed and suspicious of them and tried to run away. But Ruby stopped him saying they were far from the lab and if he went into the forest the bird Pokemon might eat him. Ash sweat dropped at Ruby's blunt words but she shrugged not feeling guilty when Pikachu reluctantly returned. Ash then introduced himself to Pikachu and Ruby did the same while the mouse Pokemon introduced himself as well reluctantly. Ash looked at Pikachu and realized he had his work cut out for him, Pikachu did not trust him at all. Then Ash got up saying they should move on and find a place to camp for the night getting nods.

On the way Ash met and battled a few trainers who were curious about his Ruby and wanted to trade. Ash had however vehemently denied any trade saying nothing could replace Ruby, not even a rare Dragonite. So far he had been challenged by a boy with bug Pokemon, an orange haired girl who said her name was Misty water something. Ash was not paying attention, a guy who loved normal type Pokemon and a girl who was obsessed with fluffy Pokemon. Ash could not blame the last opponent, Speedy was a very fluffy and sweet Pokemon that every other humans and Pokemon loved. Then Ash decided to check out Pikachu's stats and abilities when things went fubar for them.

Pikachu had a very decent move - pool, agility, bite, thunder shock, growl, tail whip, scratch and dig which impressed Ash. Most wild Pokemon had only five moves in total not seven of them, but it just meant Pikachu was a hard worker. One of the attacks, thunder shock hit Spearrow who was not happy and started to chase him. Then the clouds started to gather looking ominous so Ash picked both Ruby and Pikachu and started to run. During that time Ruby was continuously attacking using vacuum wave, which became more and more like the aura sphere in the end. Not to forget Pikachu who jumped in the way of a wayward lightning and unleashed a thunder wave.

Flashback end!

Ash, "Then, the Spearrow and their leader Fearrow ran off. Ruby here started to glow and evolve. I decided to name Pikachu, Raijin and he likes the name."

Raijin nodded, "Pika."

Cale chuckled, "You guys had quite the adventure, huh? Mine was mostly peaceful with the occasional trainer challenging me."

Ash, "Oh yeah! I saw a Hooh flying across the sky. I have no idea why it's in Kanto but it left this."

Cale gave a whistle, "Hooh is a phoenix. You know phoenix parts especially feathers have been used as peace offerings between regions?"

Ash nodded, "I do not understand why Hooh would leave one in Kanto though. Is there a danger we do not know about?"

Cale hummed, "Maybe, who knows? I do not have future sight ability. Hooh though is said to have it. Perhaps they saw something."

Ruby meanwhile was introducing Raijin to the rest who were happy to have another family member with them. The yellow mouse eyed them with a very considerate look, from the way their fur and feathers shone, it was obvious they were spoiled by the humans. It was nice to know that not every human was not a bastard like the previous human who caught him then ignored him. Raijin wondered how Eevee his old partner in crime was doing, he hoped she was okay wherever she was currently. Cale the pretty red human called them all for dinner, Raijin could admit he was a very beautiful human, the type that the Legendary Pokemon would demand for.

Raijin narrowed his eyes, 'Maybe that was the true intention behind the feather.'

Raon, "What are you thinking Raijin?"

Raijin should learn to speak too, "Pi pika pi pi pikachu pika."

Ohn frowned, "No, we are not giving Cale to some stupid God of Pokemon."

Cale in PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now