Chapter 15: mistake

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*Beca's POV*

It's morning and we're all woken up by the retreats owner, it's about 6 am and we're all exhausted because not many of us got sleep.

Chloe has been ignoring me all day, if I get close to her she finds a way to get away and, if I try to speak with her she starts a conversation with someone else or she'll just act like she didn't hear me.

We're nearing the end of our 'finding our sound' session today but someone just has to open there mouth. "Alright everyone pic partners for the last activity" I start to walk towards Chloe but she says "OOO I bet beca's going to pick Aubrey for her partner!"

"What?" I ask Chloe "I think that be good so you can sneak off behind my back and make out with her again" she snaps, making me the center of attention. "I did WHAT!?" Aubrey yells.

"Look Chloe I can expl-" she cuts me off "I don't need your explanation and I don't need... You." There's a bunch of gasp followed by some "seriously"s

Chloe starts to walk off, "dammit Chloe if you just let me fucking explain, instead of walking off all the damn time we probably wouldn't even of had half of our arguments!"

Chloe stops and stands there for a moment she then turns around and starts walking back. "Okay you ready to listen" I ask and she nods "you sure" I ask and she nods again.

"I went to get tea and when I get in there Aubrey's flirting and she-" I look at Aubrey and back at Chloe "- she tried to take off my shirt but I didn't let her but then, she was kissing me. I tried to free myself but I couldn't because she was holding me down." I continue "I guess that wood cupboard by the window made it hard to see her holding me."

I wait for a response, I see a tear fall down her face, I wipe it away. "I'm sorry beca" she apologizes burying her face in my shoulder. "It's okay, I love you" "I love you too"

I can see Aubrey's looking confused "wait wait wait, I'm still confused as to what happened" fat Amy then explains "Aubrey you tried to get in Beca's pants last night" "gross" Aubrey says "you would've been lucky if she let you" Chloe says to Aubrey.

*later on in the evening [8:48]*
Narrater speaking

Chloe's sitting by the little river stream that flows right pass the retreat. "Hey" Chloe turns around seeing beca. "Uh hey" "may I" Beca ask "of course" Chloe replies.

There's been a brief silence until it's broken, by beca "it's beautiful; relaxing" "yeah I know someone else who's like that" Chloe says smiling. "Chloe I was wondering- maybe you'd like-" Aubrey interrupted beca "beca, can I speak to you." Beca looks down "uh yeah sure; hold on Chloe."

*Beca's POV*

I can see that Chloe is watching and, that's good because it looks like Aubrey's waisted. Again. "So I just wanna apologize for last night" "it's cool dude it was a mistake" I tell her, walking back to Chloe.

She gabs me by my waist and pulls me in for a kiss and I push back "Aubrey! What the hell?" I snap she doesn't even respond and she kisses me again and pushes me into a tree making it impossible to get loose. I then see Chloe walk over.

Chloe punches Aubrey smack in the face, knocking Aubrey out. I'm in shock "I- I thank Chloe" she looks at me and winks "help me take her to her bed" Chloe says.

I grab Aubrey's legs and we start to carry her to her tent- and when we get there we lay her down and go back to our tent.


Wow 200 reads!!! The next chapter will most likely be the last chapter and I will make another story continuing there life 5 years later when there married and both have careers and a daughter Emily 😊

Not so drunken love (a bechloe fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant