"Okay, it's alright don't worry. What kind of pain is it that you're having? Has it been consistent?"

"It's like a cramping but it's like something i've never felt before. It comes and goes but it's been happening all day"

"Maybe start timing the cramps, you could be going into labour early"

I felt myself panic slightly at the thought, but before I could worry myself, I heard someone walk into the kitchen when the game went to the bottom of the 10th, the Red Sox taking a one run lead.

"Hey babe, you okay?" Charlise asked, noticing my bent over state and my phone on speaker.

"Yea no i'm good. I think i'm going into labour though" I said laughing.

Her eyes widened as she raced over to me, rubbing my back for comfort.

"Jesus Halle, sure walk to the kitchen by yourself when you're in labour" she said half joking/half serious.

I laughed as I could hearing Mariana laughing from the other end of the phone.

"Oh Bo is up to bat!" Mariana shouted as we snapped our heads towards the screen, seeing the bases loaded with 2 outs.

Bo stepped up to bat, taking 3 balls and a strike. He fixed his helmet and situated himself into his signature stance, watching as the fast ball just missed his bat, Bo throwing a wide swing and looking visibly frustrated with himself.

"Take your time love, just breathe" I whispered to my self, eyes glued to the screen as the contractions were long forgotten by this point.

I could hear Mariana whispering a small prayer through the phone, hoping her son would be able to bring the team a victory when they needed it most.

I watched as he readjusted himself again, taking a deep breath and focusing on the pitcher. I held my breath as the baseball left his hand, hearing the crack of the ball against Bo's bat, watching it fly over the field and into the crowd, the team going insane as they cleared the bases, Buck Martinez shouting out "Grand-Slam" and the Jays meeting at home plate to celebrate.

I ran into the living room with Mariana still on the phone in my hand, jumping up with the girls as we celebrated the boys win.

As I threw my hands in the air again, I felt a popping motion, a cool and wet sensation following shortly after.

My eyes widened as my movements halted, everyone else in the room stopping to stare as the inner legs of my sweatpants slowly turning a darker grey.

"Holy shit, Bo just hit two grand-slams in one night!"'Alejandra yelled out.

We all began to laugh as everyone rushed around the room, helping me get everything I needed.

"Halle your water broke? Okay i'm finding the earliest flight and i'll be there as soon as I can" Mariana said through the phone.

We hung up as I found my way back to the kitchen, bent over the counter and breathing through the pain once again.

I tilted my head to the side and smiled to see Bo doing an interview with Hazel, big smile on his face and talking about the gameplay of their victory. If only he knew.

"How far along are you Hal?" Jessica asked in a panic as she was timing my contractions.

"Only 36 weeks" I said, clamping my eyes shut as a wave of pain hit me again.

"Is everything gonna be okay?" I asked, concern lacing my tone.

"She's still preterm but late enough that it should go fine, the doctor will be able to explain everything better so don't stress, i'm gonna call Atkins and get him to notify someone in the dugout" Taylor added.

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