59. Is there hope? (Finale)

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Abdul couldn't bear seeing his wife in this condition but he had to show her his anger. 

"Are you happy now? You got divorced at such a young age just because of your stupid and selfish ideology," He spat. 

"I…." Zahra choked on her words but he didn't give her a chance to speak. 

"Don't even try to justify what you did." He added. "You got kidnapped, cheated, and maltreated but you didn't care to inform your mother. You decided to keep everything in that head of yours and fight the whole world alone like the strongest woman out there. It is admirable but asking for help and relying on others is not a weakness." 

Zahra knew all this was true and she just did what she thought was right. She can't fight him now but cry silently. 

Abdul acted unfazed and kept scolding her. 

"We got married and you hid it from me too. What was your plan? To make me a widower without any idea of how my wife died. We weren't on good terms at the beginning but you loosened up and became the best wife any man can ever ask for. You know that if you told me, I wouldn't blame you but try my best to make you stay alive but you just kept hiding. And now…" he glared at her hurtfully. "You are pregnant but still hid it from me. Do you want our child to grow up with another woman without knowing who his parents were? To you it was the 'best' decision ever but is that fair to us?! Is that fair to me Ameerah?!" 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," All that came out of Zahra's mouth was an apology. She was sorry. 

"Don't use those tears to make me forgive you so easily Ameerah," Abdul cried. 

"It's not my fault!" She cried out and glared at him too. "I was confused and depressed too. How do you expect to react then? I didn't know what to do. I felt I was the cause of all that happened to me and didn't want to drag anyone into it. " 

"Is that how you react to Qadr? You told me the same thing that day. You lost trust in Allah Ameerah and everyone around you and you call yourself a Muslim," He retorted. 

Zahra wanted to speak again but she started coughing painfully. Her face scrunched up and blood started seeping from her lips. 

Abdul panicked and gathered her fragile being in his arms. "I'm sorry Ameerah. I shouldn't have shouted at you. I'm sorry." He cried rubbing her back. 

"I am sorry. Sorry," Zahra sobbed despite that. Abdul held her back and wiped her tears and the blood carefully. He massaged her chest until she stopped coughing before cupping her face. 

"Calm down Ameerah. I forgive you, so stop crying. It wasn't your fault." He smiled at her and kissed her forehead. 

She nodded and uttered, "I love you so much Khaleef and I don't want to lose you. I can't bear to. I want to live happily with you and our child but I…. can't." The thought just made her more depressed than ever. She regretted not going through with the surgery at first. 

Abdul shook his head and said, "It's not the end Ameerah. There is a way. I spoke to Doctor Hebrew and he said the surgery can still be successful. As long as you are willing to live, the chances are high. You have to pull through Ameerah, for your mother, your brother, Firdaus, Melis, mum, me, and your child too. We don't want to lose you, so for Allah's sake, you have to agree." 

"Even if it's ten percent, I'm going to fight. I won't be a coward anymore." Zahra nodded. "Please don't hate me anymore. I never did those bad things to you intentionally. I love you Khaleef, a lot and I will say that over and over again." 

Abdul grinned happily and kissed her passionately. "You have no idea how happy I am right now. All of us will pray to Allah and I will speak with Mum to pray to him in his house. You will live and we'll have a real nuptial night." 

"Stop saying nonsense," she rolled her eyes with a blush. 

Abdul smiled warmly and stroked her face.

"You are beautiful Ameerah, with no comparison." He whispered. 

"Have I ever told you that you are the most handsome man in this world?" She whispered back with a smile and his heart melted with it. He gathered her in his arms like a treasure. 

Zahra concluded that having her loved ones close to her made her heart calmer than the drugs. Being in her husband's arms was one of her best abode in this world. 

Peace and calmness washed over the young lady and she didn't know when she fell asleep in her husband's arms. 

The issue of the heart donor was another case but someone no one expected came over. It was Othman. Despite his wife and children not willing to see him, he regretted what he ever did to them. He let his greed make him do awful things. The person who brought him out was Shane Gilbert and he even brought the scientist who confessed that he was using Zahra as a test subject for his new poison. Surprisingly, they had been watching how the poison was affecting her slowly. Shane Gilbert was part of the association and after getting that silent killer, he was sure he would make a profit out of it but Zahra's actions after finding out about the disease shook his heart. He knew the best thing to do was to bring these culprits out. 

No one was willing to listen to Othman and after apologizing countless times, he used a gun and shot himself. In his last breath, he told them to use his heart before it died. There was no time to waste as the surgery was initiated immediately. 

Everyone prayed and had hope but whether Zahra survived or not depends on the destiny Allah has written for her. 

The End.

🥲 Salam?

Oh, the epilogue coming next.😁

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