"Are you blind? Look at those clouds. They're getting darker. " I answered.

He followed my gaze, realizing the  changing of weather.

" Rain. " He replied in a low voice.

"Yeah. It could rain tomorrow..... Rain...." I thought for a moment as the realization hit me.

I suddenly turned towards him, as my eyes widened.

Jake's eyes widened with realization too.

"Wait, you mean... if it rains, we'll be exposed to radiation?" He asked, thank God he realized it soom enough.

" Exactly. The air is full of radioactive particles right now. If it rains, those particles will come down with the rain, contaminating everything." I explained, feeling proud of what I read in the books in my free time.

He started  to panic, moving towards the door.

I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

" Jake, where are you going?" I asked, still holding his arm.

" I need to tell my dad. He needs to know about the rain." He told me.

" No, Jake. You need to rest. I'll go and inform him. " I assured him.

He protested, but I stood my ground.

" You're injured, Jake. You need to stay here and rest. I'll go and inform your dad." I argued back.

After convincing Jake to stay put, I exited the room,  to find the mayor and inform him about the radioactive rain threat. I scanned the empty clinic, but he wasn't there.

As I stepped outside, the cool night air hit me. I looked around, trying to spot any signs of the mayor or his whereabouts.

"Where could he be?" I asked myself.

Spotting Heather nearby, I approached her, hoping she might know the mayor's whereabouts.

" Heather, do you know where the mayor is?" I asked her, hoping she would know something.

Heather looked up, startled by my sudden appearance.

" Oh, hey Y/n. Last I heard, he was at the town hall. Why?" She asked.

" I need to speak with him urgently. It's about... something important. " I said in a rushes tone.

Heather nodded.

" I'll take you there. Come on, let's go find him." She said.

Together, me and Heather set off towards the town hall, our footsteps echoing in the quiet streets of Jericho.

                      TOWN HALL

Me and Heather arrived at the town hall, where the mayor was addressing a group of concerned residents. I quickly made my way towards him.

"Mayor Green, excuse me, but I need to speak with you urgently." I called out.

The mayor turned towards me.

" What is it, Y/n? What's wrong?" He asked, looking concerned.

" It's about the rain. The air is full of radioactive particles, and if it rains, those particles will contaminate everything. We need to take precautions to protect the town." I explained, trying to be fast about it.

The mayor's expression changed, turning serious.

" Thank you, Y/n. I'll convene an emergency meeting to discuss our options. In the meantime, we need to alert everyone and ensure they stay indoors." The mayor answered.

𝑱𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑪𝑯𝑶:𝑹𝑬𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵 𝒀/𝑵 𝑿 𝑱𝑨𝑲𝑬 𝑮𝑹𝑬𝑬𝑵 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now