Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Slept all night relying on Lao Gong

It was already very late at this time. Gu Xing didn't dare to sleep anymore because he accidentally slept on Ji Han earlier. He straightened his body and leaned on the car seat like a zombie.

He also had to deliberately control his breathing so as not to disturb Ji Han. He just felt that he had never worked so hard.

The breathing sounds around me were vague, but there was an inexplicable aroma lingering on the tip of my nose. It was very light and faint, like the smell of locust flowers, which made people feel very comfortable.

In the aroma, Ji Han gradually relaxed his eyebrows and let go of his guard. Fatigue came over him like a tide, and he fell asleep in the car.

Gu Xing finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his steady breathing, thinking he was asleep.

But at this time, Gu Xing had no idea of sleeping and was no longer sleepy. Through the car window, he saw the protagonist Gong and the protagonist Shou still chatting outside, so he shook his head, Yu Chengzhou couldn't do it, he was so affectionate with Pan Yanqing, chatting After such a long time, the happiness value has not increased at all. Could it be that he just talked about things that Xiaoshou didn't like to hear?

Anyway, he was bored, so he cautiously sat a little closer, and then looked through the car window on Ji Han's side to pay close attention to his mission targets. He didn't want to see them, but mainly because there was nothing else to see except them.

I don't know how much time passed, but Gu Xing saw something slowly moving from the corner of his eye.

He turned his head in surprise, just in time to see Ji Han's head sliding down gently. According to this trajectory, his head would slide through the gap on his back, and finally land at the junction of his butt and the seat cushion.

God, what a bad posture!

Almost subconsciously, Gu Xing sat back and caught the head.

A sudden weight that was not his own made Gu Xing feel numb. He began to reflect on his subconscious actions. If Ji Han woke up the next day and found himself leaning on his shoulder, how should he explain it?

Did he say he slipped down on his own?

Logically speaking, a normal person wouldn't be angry because he slept on someone else's shoulder for a night. After all, he didn't suffer any loss, but Ji Han is not a normal person, so maybe he would.

Gu Xingsheng raised his head helplessly in the car.

I have begun to think that it is unrealistic to lift Ji Han's head and put it on the other side.

However, just as he stretched out his hand to touch Ji Han's head, a fierce muttering sounded in his ears, "Don't touch me, I'll break your hand."


How could someone think about breaking someone's hand even in their sleep? ? ?

But it has to be said that Gu Xing received a threat. He did not dare to touch Ji Han again and could only lean on the car seat stiffly like a zombie.

It turns out that not only was he having trouble sleeping, Ji Han was not much better either! Not only did he not sleep well, he also talked in his sleep! Even in a dream, you have to beat someone. How cruel is this?

There was gentle movement from the car door. Pan Yanqing had just said goodbye to Yu Chengzhou and was about to get in to rest, but...

Guess what he saw? !

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