【 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 】

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╰┈➤ "Say toots, you look very familiar, i didn't want to bring it up, but it's bothering me" Angel Dust has said to you, leaning downwards, examining your face and your body, trying to find what about you was so familiar. you squinted your eye just a bit at him, one of your brows raising

" but it doesn't make sense I think I would've remembered someone like you," he walked around you, just scanning your figure, he moved back to stand in front of you, feeling so irritated that he couldn't place his finger on where he knew you from.

"leave the poor girl alone, you're looking at her as if that's your competition" you heard Husk say from behind the bar, husk was cleaning out the same glass you had just drunk from

" 'cause she is competition, you don't understand how fierce the porn industry is," angel dust said back, just glancing at Husk before going right back to stare at you

you felt goosebumps run along your skin, all this staring was starting to make you feel very very uncomfortable, it was rather unwanted.

"ugh, if I tell you will you please stop staring," you said caving in, desperately wanting him to stop looking

angel dust gave a toothy grin "Sure tits, although I would be losing some eye candy" he said flirtatiously, it was such a big change compared to the intense staring he was just giving you. you shoot him a look of disgust? your skin crawling at the unwanted attention.

"I was the receptionist for the first floor of Voxtec, I had-" Before you could even finish talking, angel dust had grabbed your shoulders making you look at him with widened eyes, not expecting the sudden touch.

"ain't no way, you —you we're the ugly receptionist??" he said bluntly, you shot him a glare, not enjoying the insult he had just thrown directly in your face, your nose crinkled up, as you quickly slapped away his hand from your shoulders

"ouch- that shit hurts" Angel Dust whined, rubbing the hand you had just slapped

"serves you right," you heard husk say, giving out a chuckle.

"What did you expect, you just called me ugly," you said

"I mean, listen, every time I saw you, you only wore baggy clothing and we're trying to cover your face, you didn't give much to look at," he said shrugging his shoulders

"but damn, why were you hiding all that?? you could've been making more money if just shaked your tits" he said pointing directly at your breast. you let out a groan at his vulgar behavior.

"that's the exact reason I did cover myself in all those layers of clothing," you said groaning, not enjoying the comments about your body

"geez just saying toots, you could've probably kept your job too" angel dust shrugging his shoulders

"huh..?" you said squinting your eyes at him confused at his statement

"I mean, nobody wants a uhh-" Angel Dust takes a seat on one of the bar stools and looks back trying to choose his words carefully so as not to get slapped again

"..a dirty desk, especially when it's the first thing they see," Angel Dust said

"you- ugh" you groaned, you took a seat on one of the bar stools next to angel dust, you were about to slam your forehead against the bar just felt something soft stop the impact

"Thanks, husk," you mumbled, just glancing up to see if his paw had been the thing to soften the impact, husk simply gave a simple nod.

"hey whiskers, why don't you treat me like that, you don't like what you see," Angel Dust said seductively, sliding his hands up his body in a productive manner

husk shivered at his lewd comment, quickly taking a few steps back.

"and that's why.." he said back looking at angel dust with disgust.

"aww, does daddy not like the dirty talk?" Angel Dust cooed, running his fingers through the husk fur that was on his chest

husk quickly slapped his hand "fuck no" he said before walking away

"what's with everyone slapping me" Angel Dust whined, rubbing his hand that was slapped

"cause you deserve it," you said back with a grin, angel dust just sent you a glare, before grabbing a bottle of alcohol

⤑ "Aagh!! I am so excited that Sir Pentious and [y/n] are staying at the hotel" You looked up at Charlie letting out a yawn, you could see that she was putting up a banner with your name and Sir Pentious

you just let out a tried groan lying down on the sofa

"um.. pretentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days, and [y/n]... Alastor brought her and that's good enough reason to be suspicious" Vaggie said, you shot her a glare.

"well I haven't seen sir Pentious try to pull off that here, and [y/n] is as harmless as a bunny!" Charlie said with a smile, giving you a look just for a moment. you felt your tail flicker just a bit at her trust in you.

"toots, come join us" you heard Angel Dust call for you, you looked at him to see Husk and nifty around the bar, you let out a sigh before rolling yourself off the couch to the bar, and you did you saw two women walk in what was weaponry.

you took a seat on the stool before looking at Husk, you gave him a soft smile

"are you going to finally order a drink?" he said leaning over the bar

"nope, not this early, but I'll take a water, again," you said with a toothy grin, husk just let out a sigh before pouring you a glass of water and sliding it over the table

you took a sip before you saw Angel staring are you

"What?" you said giving him a confused look

"Nothing, just curious about how you know Alastor" Angel Dust said looking at you

"good luck getting that out of her," Husk said back, you looked at him before sighing

"you have a lot of questions for me don't you?" you said back, with an eyebrow raised, realizing how many questions Angel Dust had asked about you

"Well, toots it's hard not to be curious about a girl like you.." he said slightly softer tone than regular

"i mean look at that body, and of course those tits!" he said flirtatiously, your eyes widened before you groaned

[a/n; sorry I haven't posted in the past 5 days, I've been busy with life, buutt swear I'll be getting more chapters out]

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