Gracie. Oct 28

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off at what feels like the crack of dawn when really it's 7:30. I didn't get too much sleep, I was on the phone with Cass until she dozed off and then I couldn't fall asleep myself. I kept thinking about Cassidy. I'm to excited to go to new York for Halloween. I get on my flight in a few hours and already have 5 texts from Cassidy saying how excited she is.

Cass <3
Ik u aren't up yet but I can't wait for u to be here
I really miss u
My mom said we can do whatever we want for dinner
Love ya!

Oh yea and that's another thing. I said I love you for the first time last week and oh my god. I didn't think she'd hear me I mean I thought she was asleep when I said it but like shit, I mean I obviously meant it I just like can't believe this is real. I you had told me this time last year I was in love with Cassidy Swift point and laugh.

Hey sorry I'm in the car on the way to the airport now

Cass <3Cutest ever I'm dying with out u here Lizzy says I talk about you to much

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Cass <3
Cutest ever
I'm dying with out u here
Lizzy says I talk about you to much

I think Audrey would argue the same for me
I gotta go I'll see u in a few hours

I sit down at the back of the plane. I could sit wherever it's empty. I really can't believe that I'm in Taylor swifts privet jet. I put on 'for Emma, forever ago' by Bon Iver and close my eyes. I don't know how long I slept, I wake up and outside the window and I'll I can see is clouds. I put on an episode of Gilmore girls, I so badly want to text Cass that I'm watching her favorite show but stupid plane wifi, I can't.
Eventually the plane lands, I put my mask back on and make my way outside. The planes in a hanger and a big black suv is parked a handful of meters away. Once I make it down the stairs of the plane Cassidy leaps from the side of the car runs over to me and lunges onto me. "Hey love" she says barring her head in the crock of my neck hugging me tight. I obviously reciprocated the hug. "Hi baby" I say looking up. Her mom's leaning against the car smiling at the sight in front of her. I hear Cassidy sniffle I don't want to bring up that she's possibly crying because to be honest I might be to. Call me stupid, I know we've only been together a month but long distance is hard as fuck.
"Let's go cmon" the blonde says walking us towards her car with her arm draped over my shoulder. I realize she's in her pajamas, to be fair I'm in sweats but I forgot it's later here. "I was thinking pizza, I know that's like basic but there's this place that has the best crust-"
"What do I call your mom?" I ask interrupting her
"Ms. Swift? Taylor?"
"Taylor 100% she's cool I promise" she says squeezing my hand
"Okay" I breathe out "pizza sounds good" I smiled as we reach the car making eye contact with Cass' mom.
"Thanks so much for letting me use your plane that was like insanely generous" I say once we are settled in the car.
"Oh of course sweetie it's my pleasure" the taller of the two blondes say

We make it to their apartment "mask on" Taylor says "paparazzis here" Cassidy hums an ok and I follow suit to the front door. "That might make headlines" Cass whispers in my ears. "That's fine I don't care" I say back. I honestly don't I mean I don't really want to go public yet or anything but I doubt this has anything to actually back up anything dating allegations.
"Girls go get settled" Taylor says "I'll order pizzas"
I take a shower before sitting next to Cass on her bed wrapping myself around her arm. "I'm glad I'm here"
"I'm glad you're here too" she says "oh wait look at the crap I got" she says standing up. "Well first I got all this" she told up a target bad with a bunch of snacks "oh and..." she runs in the closet and pull out two pairs of matching pajama pants. "Tada!"
"Come here" I say pulling her down to last down next to me "your the sweetest" I kiss her cheek which she reciprocates by kissing my lips.
"You're my favorite" she says before laying her head back down.
"GIRLS PIZZA" her mom shouts from down the hall.
"I told my mom we'd watch greys with her" Cassidy warns "oh and Joe will probably come by tomorrow"
"That's ok" I reassure her, "I love grays and I don't mind meeting Joe"
"Okay good" she says getting three plates down from the shelf in the kitchen
"What season are you on?" I ask
"Uhm 9 but we've seen it all but we started rewatching it when the pandemic started since I hadn't seen the early seasons since I was little" she explains
"Awww that's so sweet" I say as she opens the pizza boxes one with Hawaiian and the other with margarita. "Is season 9 the one where Arizona looses a leg?" I ask
"Yea" She let out a light hearted laugh. We plate our food and get drinks for us all, Cass and I had cokes and her mom had wine. We sit down to eat and only then I realize how late it is, 10:15. I knew I got in late and stuff but god they must be tired. We watch an episode before Taylor heads up to bed.
Cass scoots closer closing the gap between us. She starts playing with my hair "Hey"
"Hi" I say before she yawns
"Sorry" she says taking her hand off from covering her face, refuting to the yawn.
"It's ok" I say "you must be sleepy we should go to bed too"
"No your here I want to enjoy every moment"
I smile at the sentiment "well I agree but we can enjoy the moment from your bed" I say pulling her up from out of her seat
She protests "Your no fun"
"Yea well you love me"
She wraps her arms around my waist planting a kiss on my jaw "yea"
We brush our teeth and get into her bed. "Goodnight baby" I say cuddling into her side
"No no no I'm awake" she says "it's only even the late"
"It's a little late" I say making her laugh "I mean you do have to log into your classes tomorrow"
"No I'll call in sick see" she says fake coughing "cmon let's talk what's going on in your friend group?"
"Uhm I don't know everyone's been good I think" I admit "I haven't shut up about you and this trip to them"
She squeezes my hand three times "that makes me happy" she closes her eyes at she says it. I kiss her forehead before closing my eyes myself

Authors note:
I'm locking in this week with writing

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