Cassidy. October 22

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Gracie's coming in a week for Halloween! I've been freaking out I'm so excited. I got pajama pants with Tim Burton characters on them and made a list of all the movies we should watch; Coraline, scream, beetle juice, the nightmare before Christmas (even tho Gracie says it's a Christmas movie), the Adam's family and IT. My mom said she's thinking of doing something with Joe that weekend so we might even have two days to ourselves.
I don't want to admit it but I've been writing a lot lately. And I don't know I haven't ever really known what I'd do after high school. My grades are good enough to go to college but I don't know what to major in or anything. I was banking on being an influencer and making money of PR but lately I've been wanting more. I grew up watching how fun touring was and seeing such a supportive fanbase makes me want to sing for people. Anyways. My mom and I are currently rewatching Greys anatomy for the billionth time. "Hey mom"
"Yea sweetie" she says pausing the show
"Uhm I've wrote some songs" I start sounding more and more unsure of myself "and i don't know- do you want to hear them?"
"Yeah of course I do! Is that a serious question?"
I let out a small laugh before getting the guitar sitting in the corner of the living room. I start...

No longer a danger to herself or others
She made up her mind and laced up her shoes
Yelled down the hall but nobody answered
So she walked outside without an excuse

I finish singing the entirety of the song and put the guitar down. "Wow sweetie that was beautiful!" My mom says pulling me into a hug, it seemed genuine. "What it about?"
"Uhm it's called Graceland too and it's about Lizzy I guess like 'I would do anything she wants to do'- yea- I don't know" I trail off at the end
"I love it. Do you want to produce it? I can get on the phone with jack or Arron?"
"Mom no! I mean thanks but I don't know not yet I only have like 3 good songs and I just like am not there yet"
She nods understandingly. "Will you play me the other songs sometime?"
"Mhm" I nod grabbing the remote from her and unpausing the show.

Hours pass, dinner is ate and and shower is taken before I get into bed and call Gracie.
"Hey!" She says picking up her phone and judging on the background she's doing upstairs.
"Hi! Only one more week!" I say
"I know oh my god!"
"What snacks do you want? Like a specifically? I've been stocking up on like random crap but I was going to make a Trader Joe's insta cart order and was wondering if you wanted anything."
She giggles before she says "Oh my god yes! I actually have so many thing from Trader Joe's!"
"Don't hold back I'll get anything"
"I'll text u a list don't worry"
We sit in silences for a few seconds before Gracie blurts out "ur so pretty"
"Oh my god thank you" I'm sure I'm blushing "ur prettier"
"No way"
We agree to disagree and I start dozing off a bit while Gracie is talking about a fight in her friend group. "...Then Diana texted Char and said to leave her out of it and... your sleeping" she says finally looking down at her screen from her mirror where she's doing her night routine.
"Nu uh" I say lily a little kid "my eyes are just resting"
"sure they are"
"I'm listening"
She talks for a little while longer "Cassidy?" She says,I barely hear her I'm so tired. I figure she's just trying to figure out if I'm asleep, she's done this before and she this is usually when she hangs up for the night. I don't respond thinking she'll just head to bed. "I love you" she whispered so quite I thought I imagined it. She hangs up quickly. I lift my head opening my messages

I love you too

Gracie 💕
Shut up u heard that
I love u
Now go to sleep

Goodnight love

Authors note:
Okay so sorry updates have been slow and short. I'd like to say that that's ending but with track season starting i don't know how often I'll update. I want to write this week but I honestly have no idea when I'll get around to it.
I honestly have been thinking about scrapping this whole story. Idk I just don't love the formatting so I might at the very least switch it up a bit
Thanks to any loyal readers and remember to vote 🩷🩷

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