Gracie. Sept 9

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Gracie. Sept 9

I can't believe Cassidy's flying back tonight. I woke up before her, the sun was shining through the paper white curtains and a breeze was coming through the window. She looks so peaceful, Cassidy's blonde waves sprawled around her face and the surrounding pillow, her nose was a bit read and she was snoring softly. Fuck I really like her. I think today I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend, tonight. Well maybe this afternoon. I'm not sure. But I know I'm going to do it. I told the girls group chat anyway so I feel like there's no going back.
Cassidy starts stirring awake. She stretches her arms out just to wrap them around my waist. I've learned she's very cuddly, she's clung to my arm so much these past few days. She lifts her head resting it in the crook of my neck, looking up at me. "Morning sleepy" I say running my fingers through her hair.
She hums "I'm gonna miss you all the way in New York"
"Shhhh I don't want to think about that"  I change the topic "we should go to the beach one last time today"
"Yes please" she says squeezing my waist tighter.

We eventually roll out of bed and get our days going. I went downstairs to get snacks for the day while Cass gets our stuff ready and we meet in the car. I was driving with one hand off the steering wheel and Cassidy quickly takes the chance to link our hands.

We eventually pull into the let out at the beach. We walk down the shore for a bit before setting down a blanket.
"Hey" Cass lays down using her hoodie as a pillow
"Hey" I smile down at her and reach for the tote with snacks
"You should come to New York" she says all smily "maybe in October- OH HALLOWEEN! We can have a movie marathon and eat a bunch of shit candy"
"I'd love to" I pull a pice of her hair out from behind her ear
"I'm not even joking" she smiles sheepishly
"Me either! I swear I just don't know how to get my parents to say yes"
She rests her head in my lap "we can solve that problem when the time comes but cmon it's a fun idea"
"Mhm" I start hyper focusing on twirling Cassidy's hair around my finger
She looks at me confused "Hey are you okay?"
I avoid eye contact with her "Uhm yea"
She sits up and takes my hand "What's wrong please don't lie"
I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. I just don't know how. "I-I um" she rubs circles on the side of my hand "willyoubemygirlfriend?"
She puts her hands to my cheeks saying "Yes" before pulling my face into a kiss. I could feel her smiling "I'm really glad you asked" she admits pulling away. "I have to text my mom!"
"Ha I have to text my friends" we both say that but neither of us take our phones out, we just sit there hoping to god that this moment could last forever.
The silents was broken by Cassidy saying "holy shit it's cold" the fall air was creeping in. she puts on her hoodie and wraps her arms around my waist scooting closer, resting her head on my shoulder. "Im really happy" she says snuggling in face closer
I wrap my arm around her and give her a light squeeze "me too" and I really am. From the moment we met I knew her I knew she was special everything about Cassidy made my heart flutter and now she really is mine.
"Maybe the beach could be our place" she says before dosing off. I let an hour pass before nudging her a bit "hey"
"Hmm" she says tuning her head more into my neck
"We gotta go we have a flight to catch"
"No" she wraps her arms around my neck "I really don't want to go"
"I know but we have to go" I say standing up "Halloween remember" I reach for her arm pulling her to her feet.
"Right Halloween" she says smiling.
We walk hand in hand to the car. We drive back to my house picked up her stuff and drive to the airport.
"I have to leave you here" I say pulling her close
"Please no" she said clearly trying to keep from crying
"I know" I say hugging her tight stroking her hair "I know"
"I really want you to come for Halloween" she says sniffling
"Last call for a Cassidy Swift on flight from LAX to JFK airport" we hear over the loud speakers
"I have to go" she says letting a tear fall down her cheek "One last hug though"
She pulls me in one more time "bye" I say wiping my face
"See you Halloween" she says running off to her gate.
I watch as she goes waiting until she's out of site to go leave. Once I return back to my car I let out all the emotions I was holding in. I cry. I feel like I've been crying forever about a girl I've only known for 4 months but has quickly become one of the most important people in my life. Once I control myself I drive home. My family tries to get my to talk to them. They invite me out to dinner and all I say is no. I feel bad for shutting them out. But I'll I want to do is go upstairs and fall asleep, alone. 

Authors note:
This is lowkey short and kinda loaded but wtv 🤷‍♀️

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