Stressed/Gaining memories back

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Rachel sighed in frustration "THAT BOY JUST WON'T LEAVE MY MIND WHO IS HE!!"  Rachel's parents were outside the door both looked stressed at finding out that their daughter was figuring things out. Rachel's mother looked over at her husband "we can't let her figure anything else out if we want to protect her." Rachel's father nodded in agreement "I agree maybe we should keep her in her room. Rachel's mother did not looked pleased "We are not keeping are daughter locked up in her room just to protect her." Neither Rachel's parents had noticed Rachel had stopped yelling and had listened in on their conversation.

Rachel stumbled backwards staring in shock "They knew and never told me...why are they keeping this from me I should be told this not have it kept hidden." Rachel slid down against the door hugging her knees tears landing down her cheeks. She soon heard a tap on her window she opened up her window and looked at the boy she met yesterday 

"Ira..what are you doing." Ira sighed "I can't sleep TvT.." Rachel sighed "Can't figure it out can you." Ira shrugged his shoulders while rubbing his face "I just can't figure this out it's driving me crazy." Rachel sighed sadly "Your not alone in this I can't figure anything out like why my memories were wiped."

Ira sighed "my guess was they wanted to protect you for me it was probably so I would be willing to hurt you." Rachel chuckled "Oh that makes things understandable." Ira smiled sadly "I just wish I could have some memories back." 

Rachel tilted her head to the side "What would you do if you got them back wouldn't your master find out." Ira smirked "Nope because I have a strong mind apart from the fact I lost my memories TvT." Rachel rolled her eyes "Well I have been trying to figure things out and I may have found something that may have helped me."

Ira raised a eyebrow "Really?." Rachel walked over to her closet and pulled out a large staff with Ice at the tip Rachel gently lowered it to the ground. "I found this in my parents room I heard them say that I shouldn't be able to find it...but obviously they were wrong." Rachel trailed her hand over the golden staff part as she soon noticed something on it. "what's this?." Rachel looked at the symbols that looked like letters. "This belonged to me?!" Ira looked at her "You sure?." 

Rachel looked over at Ira and nodded "These are my initials I don't understand why hide this from me when it's mine?!." Ira sighed in annoyance "Like I said because they were trying to protect you." Rachel huffed "True point..." Rachel looked over at Ira and for some reason she wanted to kiss him really badly.

Rachel grumbled to herself "Fuck it I don't care if he get's disgusted by it I can't seem to stop myself." Rachel leaned in Ira looked at her with confusion and obvious wonder." Rachel closed the gap between them kissing him softly. Ira possessed what was happening and relaxed pulling her closer Rachel let her arm's fall around his neck as she fell over onto her bed Ira on top of her.

Ira looked deeply at her kissing her this time it lasted for a while as she wrapped her arm's around his his neck her legs latching on to his back. Ira smirked at her as he nuzzled her neck. Rachel shivered as Ira let his canines drag across her neck before digging his teeth deep into her neck Rachel whimpered at the feeling because to her it...felt...amazing and she didn't want it to ever stop.

 But it did because missing memories filled both there minds at once. Once the memories were done Rachel and Ira both look at each other in shock. Rachel muttered in shock "My prince." Ira leaned in "My princess." before kissing her deeply once more Rachel wrapped her arm's around his neck shaking at how much more possessive he got. Rachel groaned her back arching "Ira~~." Ira  smirked at her as he pulled her into his lap his head nuzzled in the crook of her neck "Mine." 

Rachel nodded her head with a sleepy hum. Ira looked at her "We will finish this tomorrow my princess don't worry." Rachel blushed as Ira vanished her heart racing like crazy. She sighed "so that is what they were hiding from me all of it kept hidden intel now and now I don't plan to let my mom and dad take them again this time I will not loose Ira again."

Rachel nuzzled her head into her pillow as a dreamy sigh escaped her as she soon drifted off into a dream filled sleep full of love and Ira.

(Chapter 6) (Stressed/Gaining Memories Back)

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