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Rachel had her arm's crossed behind her head as she walked beside Maya. Maya grinned at Rachel "You excited to see clover tower."  Rachel laughed in amusement "Yes Maya I am and what about you?." Maya's eyes sparkled "are you kidding me of course I'm excited not only do we get to see Clara but we also get to see the tower." Rachel smiled fondly as the two get onto the bus finding a seat. Rachel couldn't help but wonder if she was forgetting something but if she couldn't remember then it probably wasn't important.

Once Maya and Rachel got off the bus. Rachel noticed Maya wasn't with her...again this girl just never stuck to where she started at and never listened to her TvT. Rachel groaned as she dragged Maya over to the line. Maya stared in surprise "Wow look at this line?." Rachel looked at her with annoyance "Well maybe it wouldn't be so long if you hadn't gotten side tracked." Maya sighed "Okay you have a point Rachel." A couple minutes later Rachel was again talking to herself as Rachel looked around for Maya "Maya?...Maya?." 

A student that was at her school looked down at her "If your looking for Maya she wen't to go help a little girl who got lost." Rachel sighed softly "Oh Maya." Once she made her way over she smirked in amusement as Maya helped the girl find her mom "MOMMY...thank you nice lady." Rachel sighed "Okay let's go..." 

While they were waiting in line they heard a cry of pain. Maya looked up "What's going on." Rachel quickly followed Maya over to the person laying on the ground "Hey are you alright?." Both girls look up to see a teenager floating in mid air grinning he had teal blue hair bat ears behind his normal ones a red t-shirt grey shorts a purple jacket and golden olive eyes. "THANKS BUDDY THIS WILL MAKE A EXCELLENT DISTAIN!!." 

Rachel looked at the boy with a wonder as she whispered to herself "why do you look so familiar." Ira's bat ear's twitched as he heard this he looked down at the girl and he could have sworn he had seen her before somewhere but he just couldn't put his finger on it. Ira sighed as he looked down at the dark heartbeat as he poured dark energy into it as he called "COME ON OUT DISTAIN SHOW YOURSELF!!!." 

Rachel felt her head ache as she growled in frustration as Maya ran to go help out the people at the top "WHY DO YOU LOOK SO DAMN FAMILIAR IT'S GIVING ME A HEADACHE!!." Ira looked down at her in surprise "you are quite noisy you know that?." Rachel glared darkly at him "would you care to say that again." Ira laughed in discomfort she was most certainly scary that was for sure "Hey can I ask you something?." Rachel looked at him with annoyance "Only if I can ask you a question afterwards." Ira sighed "sure."

Ira floated down in front of her "why do you look so familiar it's like I have seen you somewhere before." Rachel's eye twitched "If I knew do you think I would be yelling about why look so familiar?." Ira sighed "Good point I did not really think that through." Rachel sighed but hesitated as she held out her hand "Rachel..." Ira looked at it with wonder before taking it gently "Ira.."

Both Ira and Rachel look at each other a hint of recognition forming on both their faces before flickering out both pull there hand's away. Ira huffed "I need to go." and with that Ira teleported. Ira glared anger at Marmo "you only waited intel after my distain was defeated to show up." Marmo smirked glitter spaid being held up by another crab distain. Maya staring in horror "This girl saved me from that thing now she's in this situation because of me."

Glitter Spaid looked over at Maya and gasped she had wondered where her friends had gone all three Rachel Clara and Maya had all vanished mysteriously but she could tell she didn't remember anything. Once the second crab distain had been beaten Ira was laughing at Marmo "Ha Ha your distain got beaten like mine." Marmo groaned in frustration as she teleported away from Ira and back to the hideout

Ira felt his brows furrow before hearing a voice he looked down and saw Glitter Spaid "What are you still doing here." Ira sighed "Why do that blue haired girl look so familiar." Spaid sighed "I'm gonna guess that King Mercinare removed your memories." Ira looked at Glitter Spaid "You think?." Glitter Spaid Sighed "That's what happened with that blue haired girl along with the pink haired girl and another girl they all had there memories wiped like you Marmo and Bel." 

Ira looked at Spaid in shock she was serious. "So we had memories before all this?." Spaid groaned "" Ira ran a hand through his teal blue hair "She looked familiar for just a second before it all faded from my mind and now it's driving me insane." 

Rachel looked  between Maya that superhero and the boy  that looked familiar to her. "So we all had memories that we just don't remember." Glitter Spaid sighed "Yeah that's right." Maya stared in shock "But I only remember being here." Glitter Spaid sighed again "To protect you your parents removed your memories of your old life and the people you cared about all of it." 

Rachel felt her head ache "Why does it hurt so bad that I wan't to remember you." Rachel looked at Ira with pained filled eyes "WHY DO I WAN'T TO REMEMBER YOU SO BADLY!!." Ira winced as he felt tears fall down his cheeks "I wan't to know as well." Spaid noticed how broken Ira sounded all of a sudden.  

Rachel walked up to him and placed her hand gently on his "We will figure this out...I promise." Ira sighed as he turned his hand around as there hands intertwined to both it felt so right. Rachel felt tears fall down her cheeks "Why does this have to feel so familiar to me." Ira sighed "I don't know I really don't" as Ira gently used his other hand and rubbed away the tears "Like you said we will figure this out."

Rachel smiled sadly as Ira stepped back and teleported to the hideout. Ira slumped against the couch his emotions running wild "Why does me heart hurt so bad..." Marmo teleported beside him as she wrapped her arm's around him holding him close as tears filled his eyes "It hurts..." Marmo gently kissed his hair "I know I wish we could figure this out." Ira looked up at Marmo "when I saw that blue haired girl I felt like I knew her and she felt like she knew me hurts so bad that I want to know what happened."

Marmo rubbed his back soothingly "Get some rest Ira we will figure this out...I promise."

(Chapter 5) (Forgotten)

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