Friends to Lovers

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                          It's a couple year time skip to when Rachel is 16 and Ira is 17 

Rachel sighed as she thought to herself in her room"Oh Ira when ever will you ask me I feel like were both old enough to be together...but oh I can not decide when it's time only you can decide I mean you did tell me..." Ira was busy chatting with Bel and Marmo. "When will you ask Princess Rachel to be your girlfriend" Ira looked down "I wan't to but..." Bel sighed finishing for him "Your nervous." Ira nodded. Bel sighed "If you don't tell her you might lose your chance." 

Ira groaned "YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT?." Bel sighed "Well how about you go tell her now the sun is starting to set it would be the perfect time to tell her." Ira looked up at the sun setting and looked over at Bel with annoyance "Your not giving up are you..." Bel grinned "Absolutely not Ira do you think I'm stupid." Ira laughed "Okay I'm going I'm going geez." and with that Ira walked off to find his princess.

Rachel was looking out over the balcony looking at the sunset smiling gently before hearing a voice come from below. Rachel looked down and spotted Ira a bright smile flashed to her features "Ira what are you doing out and about on this beautiful evening." Ira smirked "Well I was hoping to see you." Rachel smirked "Well now you see me..what's up?." Ira sighed "There's something I wan't to talk to you about." 

Rachel looked worried "Okay I'll be down in a minute." Once Rachel got to the entrance of the palace she walked up to Ira. Ira looked over at her "Let's go." Rachel quietly followed after Ira. Once they got to place where Ira told her when they were older he would let her know when he was ready. Rachel looked around in surprise "this is where you took me to tell me to wait intel you were ready to be with me when we were kids...why are we back here?."

Ira gulped "Well you see I just feel like we have been friends since childhood and I have seen you grow into a beautiful princess soon worthy to be a queen." Rachel looked at Ira feeling her heart melt "I don't know about a queen." Ira smiled gently as he took her hands into his as he rubbed his thumb against her hands "You would be a amazing queen Rachel". Marmo and Bel silently watching with hope that this would go in a good way and not in a bad way.

Ira sighed and I just feel like the day you told me you loved me had been amazing but you and I both knew we couldn't be together intel we were old enough." Rachel nodded in silence. And well I wanted to tell you that I'm ready to be with you." Rachel felt her eyes well up with tears of joy as she jumped into him "I am to." as the two fall over into the grass. Ira looked up at Rachel as he gently rubbed his thumb against her cheek to wipe away the tears.

Ira soon leaned in before kissing her softly his hand still rested against her cheek. Rachel leaned in kissing him back as her arm's fall around his neck. Once Rachel and Ira pull away Rachel rested her head against the crook of Ira's neck. "I love you Ira." Ira smiled gently "and I love you Rachel." Marmo and Bel both silently cheering in the background releaved that the two could finally be together. Marmo and Bel both silently move away from the couple.

once Bel and Marmo are gone Rachel looked into Ira's gentle eyes as she leaned in and Ira soon leaned in as well and the two soon kiss once more. These friends have finally found there home in each other knowing they would stay side by side for the rest of their lives....or so they thought.

(Chapter 3) (Friends To Lovers)

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