A moment later, the door opens revealing none other than a stranger. I completely forgot that Ezra doesn't live alone–just like most other minors.

The suit-clad man in front of me looks quite similar to Ezra, the main differences being the age etched into his faint wrinkles, and the rough edge to his features. This man does not have an approachable face.

"Yes?" He asks, raising a dark eyebrow.

"Hi," I say, expelling another deep breath. "Um, I'm...I'm Indi Myles. I live across the street." My mind goes blank as I point behind me.

His features relax with what looks like realization and relief floods through my body. "Ah, the infamous Indigo. I've heard about you."

I'm sure he just means he knows me because of my dad. Right?

"I'm Ezra's father." Mr. Clancy opens the door wider. "Come in."

"Oh! Um, I don't want to...intrude. I was just seeing if Ezra was, uh, home right now."

His eyes drop to the bowls in my hands, making me realize how contradictory I probably seem. "I'll go get him."

He leaves the door open before disappearing into the house.

I look down at the bowls in my hands, trying to gain some composure. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous, but I blame it on the jitters of being at my friend's house for the first time.

Ezra soon steps into view, wearing a dark blue hoodie, black sweatpants, and a look of surprise on his face. He raises his eyebrows slightly and looks down at the bowls in my hands.

"Hi," I breathe the word out then silently kick myself for sounding so stupid.

"Hey," he says slowly. "What are you doing here?"

My shoulders pull up into a shrug. "You weren't at dinner so...I thought I'd, um, bring you some?" I give him a sheepish smile.

My stomach flips when his lips pull into a grin and he welcomes me into his house. "Come in."

I follow behind him as he leads me into a dining room. It's an open floor plan so I can see the kitchen and living room as I sit down. The house is nice, but it just lacks life. It doesn't have the home element that I'm used to.

There's no pictures, hardly any decorations, and a grayscale color palette.

"I'll go get forks," he says once I sit down.

Mr. Clancy has probably gone off to his room since he's nowhere to be seen, so once again, I'm left alone in silence. It doesn't take long for Ezra to come back with forks as he said he would.

He sets one down in front of me before taking the seat across from me. I slide a bowl over to him and try to think of a way to break the silence.

And then I remember the Capri Suns.

Ezra smiles when he sees me set them on the table. "You brought more?"

I nod and slide one of the silver packets to him. "You don't have to drink it, though."

Anxiety flickers in his eyes and contradicts his smile, but it disappears as he grabs it from me. "No, it's...If I get thirsty I'll drink it."

My eyebrows knit together in concern, but I don't get the chance to bring that concern up.

"So, how have you been?" Ezra asks, taking the foil off his bowl and I do the same.

"What do you mean?"

One of his shoulders lifts into a shrug. "Just in general. I don't want to overstep, but you've just seemed kind of off recently."

"Didn't realize you were watching me so closely," I attempt deflecting with a smile.

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