Start from the beginning

"That doesn't help." Phil replies. "In fact, that makes it worse."

Ignoring Tommy's offended sputtering, Wilbur comes up with a counter-offer. "What if Techno comes with us?"

'There's no way Techno'll go with them.' Phil thinks to himself. "Sure." He agrees. "If you can convince Techno to watch you, you and Tommy can go investigate."

Techno shoots a betrayed look at Phil as Wilbur and Tommy turn on him.

"Techno, my friend, would you like to come with us?" Tommy asks, the very picture of innocence.


"We would need you to distract all the rich people while we poke around." Wilbur says. "You would, of course, need a disguise. Maybe some really rich person..."

Techno's ears perk up. "Ah, you mean like Billiam."

"Yeah!" Tommy cheers.

"What do you say, Techno, wanna troll some rich people?" Wilbur adds.

[*low quality trollage.mp4*]

"Indeed. Think Ranboo wants to come with?" Techno agrees.



Preston Northwest stands at the entrance to his home, welcoming the diverse group of visitors into his (not so) humble abode. There was a minor issue elsewhere in the mansion, but the appropriate authority had already been called to deal with it.

"Welcome, dukes and duchesses, sultans, and sportsmen. And, reclusive 102-year-old mayor of Gravity Falls, Mayor Befufflefumpter." Preston greets. A trio of vultures begin circling the mayor.

"It's okay, they're with me." The mayor reassures.

"Tonight we will enjoy only the finest of tastes and only the snootiest of laughter." Preston continues his speech as one of his guests laughs in the snootiest of manners. "That's the ticket!" Preston praises as members of his staff applaud in the background.

Preston mingles with his guests and keeps them enjoying them the party. The party represents Northwest excellence, and thus far it has proven true. Preston grabs a glass of champagne for himself when he notices a richly dressed man with gaudy pink hair and a black masquerade mask on his face standing next to a wall, looking at one of the tapestries depicting some ancient god of the natives or some such nonsense. The Northwest Patriarch attempts to place the stranger, but is unable to.

Preston waves down one of the serving staff. "Who is that man?" He asks, gesturing to the pink haired figure.

"I don't know sir, shall I check the guest book?"

"No. I will go investigate myself." Preston declares before turning to glare at the manservant. "You will, of course, have your pay docked for your failure to memorize the guest book."

"Very well sir."

Preston strides across the room towards the unknown entity. When he draws close enough, Preston offers salutations.

"Hello my good sir. How is the party favoring you this evening?" Preston asks.

"Ah, Mr. Northwest! An excellent party, truly. I mean no offense, but I must question the amount of multi-millionaires, they are barely rich."

A grin split Preston's face. Here was, truly, a man after his own heart. "Charity, I assure you. Good wait staff must come from the proper bloodlines, or else you may as well give all your riches to the poor!" Preston laughs at the absurdity of that statement, the stranger laughing along with him.

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