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I stretched, not wanting to get out of bed.

But then I thought about it.

Today, I am free. I can see him again. And...

I jumped out of bed, almost running into a wall because of how unstable I was.

I rushed down the steps of my little apartment. Mom was awake, making breakfast already.

"Good morning, my little rebel," she said. "I know why you're up so early."

"Good!" I said. I kissed her cheek. "I promise, Mom, you'll love him. And Frank, too!"

She rolled her eyes. She opened her mouth, but I cut in with, "They're people now, I swear! And they're both really great."

Mom sighed. "Go wake up your brother, then."

I did as I was told, getting punched in the process.

"Call Frank!" I said. "Tell them it's good for them to come over now. I'll prepare Mom for the surprise."

I went back downstairs to talk up Ray and Frank, but not too much that it was unrealistic.

About a half hour later, there was a knock at the door. I ran to open it for my boyfriend. And Gerard's, of course.

Frank and Ray came in, greeting my mother calmly and kindly. I could tell that she was hesitant to be impressed.

I hugged Ray, just for show. Before Frank had changed back, he'd told me that you could see how much Ray loved me when he just had his arms around me.

After only ten minutes, I knew that Mom was smitten with the two.

And that was a good thing.

Because me and Gerard?

We wouldn't let them go for the world.

Ray? A glitch?

Not a chance in Hell.

He was right where he needed to be.

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