10. Tears Pt.1

Depuis le début

Just before 8 o'clock I arrived at the lake, and I wasn't surprised to see Elizabeth already sitting at her usual spot. She was leaning against the old tree that stood besides the lake. Her face was stained with tears and she was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt. It looked like she had been crying for a while now. When she saw me she quickly wiped her tears away and tried to fix her hair a bit. 

"Don't bother" I said "You look fine." In fact she did not look fine at all, and I hadn't seen her that sad since the beginning of the school year. Still she listened to me and sat back down, I sat besides her holding her tight as the hot tears streamed down her beautiful face. And then I realised that even while she was messed up and with tears streaming down her face she was still the most beautiful human being I had ever seen.

She took a deep breath and begun:"you see Harry there's something I need to tell you" From her worried face, I could indicate that there was no good news coming. "We just don't fit toghether" she continued "Harry, I think we should break up." She looked relieved that she had said it, but I could see on her face that it broke her heart, but so did mine. "No" I stumbled "don't you see that we're meant to be." "It's for the better Harry" she insisted. And that was the last thing she said before running off. I wondered if this was the last time I would talk to her, but I couldn't be because we would see eachother in lessons. For me it was the biggest question who made her do this. Because one thing was sure, that she didn't do it voluntarily.


Elizabeth's Pov: 

I said it, it was over and done. Crying I ran away. I saw how it broke Harry's heart, but it was for the better. Meaning that I could keep him safe meant everything to me. I would sacrifice everything even my happiness for that. But now the only thing that was left of me was a hard shell with no feeling, only tears to cry. Back in my dorm I flopped down on the bed crawling under the sheets not even bothering to change or to do anything else. I just laid there while I cried myself to sleep. I didn't even care to look for my brothers who were missing like usual, it was better anyways that they didn't see me cry. It would only prove to Tom that I was more of a failure.

I woke up to someone gently tapping my shoulder; it was Theo, he looked worried at me. "Are you feeling well?" he asked. "I'm sick" I replied fake coughing. "Well alright" he continued "Tom and I are in the library doing homework, but let me know if something is wrong." he finished while walking out the door, but just stopping for a second to give me a warm smile.

After that there was just silence, I was happy that Theo and Tom had left, because I just wanted to be left alone. Just then I saw that I was wearing a set of pyjamas, Theo probaly helped me change while I was asleep. Tom didn't care anyway. Since I had nothing to do or wanted to do right now, I just fell asleep again. 

Once again I woke up, I heard two soft voices, I realised that they were talking about me, but I didn't care. One of them, probaly Mattheo was worried, I didn't completely understandwhat he said, but that didn't matter. The other voice; Toms' didn't seem so worried, he was trying to calm Mattheo down. Tom was always the calmest in the room, there could be dropping an atomic bomb and he would still be relaxed and survive without any major injury. Honestly I thought Tom cared about nothing, only about my business, that made me giggle a little, but luckily they didn't hear it. 

Hiding under my blanket I tried to fall asleep again, but the only thing I could do was cry. However there were no more tears to cry, so I just cried silently. After a while I heard Theo and Tom leave the room. Shortly after I finally fell into an uneasy sleep, with my dreams mixed with nightmares. 

There was a chair faced against the fireplace, I recognised this place as Lucius' study. No one was allowed in there, and especially not a little kid. I assumed it was a little kid because its legs weren't visible under the chair, I honestly even doubted there was someon sitting in the big green chair. That was untill a hissing voice spoke: "come in Lucius" I saw Lucius shuffeling towards the chair. He seemed to ignore me, or not even notice me. "What are you going to do about the relation between your daughter and the boy" Lucius asked. I was shocked, at that moment my worst fear came true; my father was back. Even though it was a dream, I had an eerie feeling that everything about this dream was very real. "It's over between them" my father replied. "But how" Lucius stumbled, "Well I suppose someone hasn't kept his promise" my father continued. "I can't believe Tom would do that" Lucius gasped, "Oh yes he would" my father continued "in that aspect Tom is very much like me." 

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