Thyme clapped his hand in a gentle yet elegant way. A line of servants formed who nodded in unison. Arisa tilted her head in confusion. They whisked her away without a second thought, leading her into a room that echoed with luxury. Arisa's protest fell on deaf ears as they kept their eyes on one thing: a room.

It had been almost an hour when Arisa stepped out into the main room, adorned her in an outfit that screamed opulence.

The attire draped elegantly on her form, a breathtaking ensemble of sophistication. The fabric, a cascade of midnight blue silk, clung to her figure, embellished with delicate lace patterns that shimmered in the subdued light. A fitted bodice accentuated her slender waist, and the floor-length skirt cascaded into a gentle train, trailing behind her every step. The intricate embroidery adorned with subtle beading traced ethereal patterns across the ensemble. Arisa couldn't deny the allure of the ensemble, though her obstinate facade remained intact.

As the servants departed in hushed whispers, Arisa, left alone in the room, couldn't resist stealing a glance at herself in the ornate mirror. The reflection that stared back was a revelation, and despite her efforts to resist, a spark of awe flickered in her eyes.

Her gaze travelled from the meticulously styled hair framing her face to the exquisite attire that draped her form. The radiant ensemble exuded an air of sophistication, and against her will, Arisa found herself admiring the transformation. The gown transported her to another time, triggering a vivid memory that she had forced to tuck away into the depths of her heart.

Her mother, with gentle hands, had dressed her in a frilly frock, an outfit that seemed absurd yet held a special place in her heart. The flashback unfolded like a cherished photo album, capturing the essence of innocence and joy. It dissolved as quickly as it emerged, leaving Arisa to grapple with the conflicting emotions that surged within her.

Suddenly, Thyme's voice sliced through her trance. Standing behind her, he remarked, "Emotional much? Those are just regular clothes. What's making you pull such a sad face?" His words, dripping with sarcasm, shattered the delicate moment, jolting Arisa back to the reality of the extravagant surroundings.

Opening the doors, Thyme guided Arisa through the opulent halls of his mansion, the air carried an unspoken tension. Arisa, still wearing the uncomfortable attire chosen by Thyme's servants, couldn't help but feel out of place in this lavish environment. The silence between them was thick, disrupted only by the subtle echoes of their footsteps on the polished marble floors.

Thyme finally broke the silence with a nonchalant remark, his voice echoing in the grand corridor. "You know, I never pegged you for someone who'd blend seamlessly into the world of the elite. Quite the transformation, isn't it?"

Arisa shot him a sidelong glance, her tone biting with sarcasm, "Yeah, I always dreamed of being dressed like a mannequin in a posh boutique. Thanks for making my dreams come true."

Thyme chuckled, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. "Well, consider it a sneak peek into the life you might have if you played your cards right."

Arisa rolled her eyes, refusing to acknowledge the slight tinge of curiosity his words sparked. Thyme, however, continued to lead her through the extravagant mansion, each step unveiling a world that seemed light-years away from her reality.

Thyme stopped in front of a grand hall, its walls adorned with ornate paintings and glistening chandeliers casting a warm glow. He turned to Arisa, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Now, Arisa, let's clear the air, shall we?" Thyme's voice held a peculiar mix of arrogance and amusement. "Apologise for the trouble you've caused me this past week, and we might get through this without any more unnecessary drama."

Arisa couldn't believe what she was hearing. The grandeur of the hall only intensified her discomfort. She glanced at Thyme, searching for any sign of sincerity in his eyes. The memory of him breaking character and showing a momentary softness flashed in her mind. But she quickly dismissed it, convinced that any hint of kindness was just another act.

"You can drop the act, Thyme. I know this is just another twisted game of yours," Arisa retorted, her voice laced with defiance. "I won't apologise for something I haven't done."

Thyme leaned casually against the intricately carved banister, his tone mocking. "Oh, come on, Arisa. Let's not pretend you haven't been a thorn in my side. Your constant resistance is starting to wear thin, and frankly, it's becoming tiresome."

Arisa felt a surge of anger, but beneath it was a pang of disappointment. She had momentarily let her guard down, allowing herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was more to Thyme than his facade. It stung to be reminded that his seemingly softer side was just another layer of deception.

"I won't play your games, Thyme," Arisa declared, her eyes flashing with determination. "You can't manipulate me into apologising for something I didn't do."

Thyme's facade of amusement slipped for a moment, a glint of irritation crossing his eyes. "You have a real talent for misinterpreting  situations, don't you? This is a one-time offer, Arisa. Apologise, and maybe I'll consider letting you leave this little adventure relatively unscathed."

Arisa scoffed, refusing to back down. "I won't apologise for things I haven't done. And I won't let you bully me into submission."

As Arisa turned to leave, Thyme's voice cut through the tension-laden air, a low threat dripping from his words.

"Careful, Arisa. The Red Card Game is no joke. Cross me, and you might find yourself the unwilling star of the show."

Arisa halted for a moment, her back still turned to him. She couldn't let him see the flicker of fear that threatened to surface. But just as she took another step forward, Thyme's hand shot out, gripping her arm firmly and forcing her around. Their faces were mere inches apart.

"Don't play this superhero game with me, Arisa," Thyme whispered, his breath brushing against her skin.

Arisa's eyes locked onto his, her expression defiant. With a sudden, controlled movement, she shot her arm out of his grasp, creating a deliberate distance between them. The storm in her eyes matched the brewing tempest inside her.

"Save the threats, Thyme. I've dealt with worse than your little games," Arisa retorted, her tone sharp and biting. With that, she turned away, leaving Thyme standing alone in the extravagant hall, a subtle mixture of frustration and intrigue in his gaze.

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New chapter and a long one at that! 

I have to say I am quite enjoying writing this. I hope my lovely readers are having fun reading too! 

Also, I am having an intense exam season right now so updates might not be frequent but that doesn't mean there won't be any at all. That would be cruel.

But as always please comment and tell me what your favourite bits are so far and what you hope to see in future updates. I can't always promise they'll happen but who knows 👀


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