Diary entry 1

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Dear diary,

Okay so let's start this off by saying, I don't know how to do this? How do people write diaries? Well, whatever. I'll start by introducing myself or something. Hi lol. My name is George and uh i'm 19. I actually just turned 19. Not that you would care but i thought i'd just mention it in case.

My therapist actually said I needed to start writing a diary for like, 'insight in my day to day life' or something vague. I don't know what i'm doing here to be honest.

Anyways, I have some friends that i'll introduce now. There's my best friend, May. She's pretty cool I guess. And she gets like overly excited by the littlest things. And then there's also this dude called Dan. He's also pretty cool. We mostly just game together. And lastly there's another guy, and his name's Chase. He like, gets all the girls. Lol.

Okay i guess that's all the info you get for now. Bye.

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