chapter 1: partying

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(just fyi, this is not the diary)
((Have fun reading 😋))

I was just walking through the halls when May tapped my shoulder. "You coming to the football game tonight?" She asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Since when are you interested in football?"

May raised her shoulders. "You coming or not?" She asked again.

Ah whatever, it could do no harm.

"Sure" I replied, and May walked off.


I was walking home after school. I'd normally take my bike but this morning I discovered I had a flat tire, so now here we are.

Suddenly a guy ran past me, he seemed like he was in a hurry. He was really fast, so fast that he didn't seem to notice that he dropped something on the way.

He was already long gone when I picked it up from the street. It was a notebook. It must had fallen out of his schoolbag.

I flipped through the pages to look for any signs of who the notebook might be from. On the very last page a name was written. It read: Clay. I thought for a second.

Clay? Do I know a Clay?

I stuffed the notebook into my bag in case I ever see that guy at school or something. And that's when it clicked.

Clay as in.. Dream? the football guy?

I audibly gasped. No way i'm going to walk up to a football player to say: "Hey I found your lost notebook"

That would be social suicide. Easily the most awkward interaction a guy could face.

Plus, what could he care? He's interested in sports, not in his notebook worth maybe less than 2 dollars.


It was getting late and I was getting ready for the football game. I don't even really like football, but I guess with May it wouldn't be that bad.

When I showed up at school there were already quite a lot of people there. I took my phone out and called May to ask her where she was.

After finding her we sat together on the bleachers. Chase was there too, of course. He was already talking to a small group of girls. I rolled my eyes at the sight.

"This is so exciting!" May spoke. I gave her a questioning look. "Whatever you say May"

May indeed seemed very excited. Her eyes were almost sparkling and her smile was spread wide over her whole face.

What was she so excited about? It's just a football game?

Finally after what seemed like hours, the game had started.

May was thriving. I still was in shock at how a person could get so excited over a football game.

Then the game went on, bla bla bla, teams scored, teams lost.

The game came to an end after what seemed like, again, hours. I was actually pretty tired and ready to go home.

However, May had different plans.

Of course, how couldn't she.


I guess we were now at a party. In someones house. I didn't even know they had football game afterparties.

I few drinks later and I was feeling pretty tipsy. Maybe now was a great time to leave. And sleep. And never attend a football game ever again. Ever.

But as always, May had decided we just needed to join some stupid drinking game. I really tried to get myself out of it, but how bad could it really get?

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