Chapter 5 - A Real Friend

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TW Mentions SA

I hissed in pain.

"Sorry," Giselle muttered applying the burn cream on my back. She fixed my hair so it was up and now was patching my wounds. She didn't ask questions or pass me a single look of judgment. It confused me.

"How does it feel now?" She asked.

"It feels a little better." I muttered.

She finished with the cream and patches and helped me pull over my shirt. "Are you up for going out?"

"What about school?"

"Screw school. Let's just take our mind off of things." She said.

"Oh ok," I nodded my head. Anything to not see Blake today. She finished patching me up and we walked back into my room. Giselle followed after me cautiously and then finally opened her mouth to speak.

"Daisy you don't have to go into detail, but did Blake... rape you?" She asked cautiously. "Don't tell me anything just let me in so I can help you,"

I sat down on the bed and stared angrily at the floor. "I-I... Nothing hap-.... I didn't...." I fumbled for words. Why couldn't I lie to her? It was so easy to lie to everyone else, but why did I feel like my words wanted to come out as vomit? Why did I feel like I owe her an explanation? "I didn't want to." I sobbed. "I told him no," Tears freely feel onto my pants.

Giselle gently grabbed my hand in comfort and leaned her head to the side of mine.

I then snapped and stood up. "Why are you being nice to me? I was mean to you Giselle. I made your life hell so why are you being nice to me?" I cried staring down at her.

Giselle was unfazed by my outburst. She gave me a look of understanding. "Daisy, you need to stop seeing the bad in all people. I'm not one to start a vicious cycle. I saw someone in pain and I wanted to help." She smiled.

"But why? I had been nothing, but a jerk and I humiliated you. Why help someone like me? You should be happy karma caught up to me. If it were the other way around I wouldn't be half as good a person than you. I deserved this," I whispered the last part my voice quivering. Tears never stopped falling as she stared at me listening to each and every word.

She stood up and stared back at me. Here it was. She was realizing I was right and now she was also going to leave me. Just like everything else in my life. I closed my eyes to avoid witnessing her retreating figure when she did something unexpected.

She hugged me gently avoiding my burns. "I forgive you Daisy and you should too. Nobody deserves this. Not even you."

I let out a high pitched sob that I tried to hold back. I hugged her back crying into her shoulder as she hugged me back. A soft sob left her mouth too. "Now I'm mad at you. People crying make me cry," She cried. I laughed and she laughed as well. "I have an idea. I wanna go somewhere."

"Where?" I sniffed.

"I'll drive let's just go, okay?"



"So we want a soft dark pink with black roots correct?" The hair dresser asked.

"Yes, but were both doing the luxury deluxe spa session." Giselle smiled.

"Giselle I don't have that kind of money," I whispered.

"Don't worry about it. It's on me." She smirked.

"You really don't have to," I blushed in embarrassment.

"Just let me do this for you, please?" She begged and finally I sighed and nodded my head.

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