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Angelica was woken up by the rude awakening of her phone alarm, and she opened her eyes and quickly put it on snooze.

She sat in bed for a few minutes, before ultimately getting up and going into the bathroom,

She stared at herself in the mirror, and rubbed her eyes aggressively and began to brush her teeth.

She spat out the toothpaste, and she exited to go to her vanity where she started to do a light look of makeup, and glancing at her computer which was playing "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" on it quietly.

She stepped out of her chair and checked her phone, before opening her closet door and inspecting all of her clothes.

After a few minutes, she ultimately decided on a light grey sweater and black leggings. She played around with her hair in the mirror for a second, before her phone buzzed on the desk.

It was a message from Matt, who very aggressively told her that he would be these in ten minutes with a "if you're not ready then I'll kick your ass". She smiled at his message, and then went to the kitchen.

She popped some eggo's into the toaster, and grabbed Nutella from the cabinet and began spreading it around the eggo.

She sat at her table, and scrolled through TikTok.

She was still slightly annoyed about last night, and the fact that Brady had invited Xochitl instead of her.

Angelica wasn't much of the jealous type, but this was different. Brady showed so much interest in her, and then he goes and invites another girl?

She wasn't jealous.

Just annoyed.

Angelica sat in the back seat of Matt's car, scrolling through Xochitl's TikTok account, with the volume muted so no one else in the car suspected her.

By now, Angelica had whined about the situation to majority of her friends, and they would have definitely have made fun of her a lot if they saw her desperately scrolling through Xochitl's account.

She watched a video that Xochitl was hanging out with Xolo Mariduẽna, and she became increasingly more jealous. But for other reasons. She loved Cobra Kai.

Angelica scrolled through a few more videos, before shutting her phone off and pretending to care about whatever Asher and Nick were arguing about.

Before she knew it, Matt pulled into their school's kiss and ride, and then zoomed off, leaving the four standing around waiting for the bell to ring.

"Jeez, why is he in such a hurry?" Mark asked, sticking his middle finger up at Matt's car, earning a few glares from some freshmen's moms.

"Probably gonna go off and meet his secret girlfriend," Asher joked, as the group walked in the school just as the bell rang.

They all walked towards the English classroom, and for the first time in the semester,they were early. They sat down, and the others talked, but Angelica went back to TikTok and rolled her eyes at the comments on a slideshow saying stuff like "omg are Brady and Xochitl dating??"

"Why'd you roll your eyes?" Asher asked, raising his eyebrow looking over her shoulder in an attempt to see her phone.

"No-" she began before Asher raised his eyebrow and reached his arms over her shoulder.

"What is that- let me see!" He said, grabbing her phone straight out of her hand.

Asher took a few seconds to figure out why she was so quiet this morning, and then laughed to himself and showed Tracie and Mark the phone.

𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐒 - 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐍𝐎𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now