Chapter 15; An Old Face

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Drip. Drip. Drip.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Another cold night spent behind bars. Another night wasted when he could have been fixing the world, or at least, doing his part. Yet he was stuck in a small cell, with a slab of concrete for a bed, a blanket that felt more like sandpaper, a leaky pipe dripping and forming a puddle on the ground, and who's fault was it?

Certainly not his.

Spider-man had put him there, and while the wall-crawler roamed free, living his best life, he was stuck, rotting away somewhere he didn't belong. Without the serum, he was powerless to do anything about it. If he could just get his hands on it, then he could get out of this dump and make Spider-man pay for-

“Zero eighty-four, you have a visitor.” A guard, having just entered the narrow passageway, alerted him.


“Mr Edward Brock.”

“I don't know anyone by the name of Edward Brock.” He growled. “Let them in, maybe I should know them.”

“Alright.” The guard shrugged, and then stalked out of the room.

Moments later, somebody else was escorted into the room, then left by a guard who informed them that he would be right outside the room. The man was of average height, not exactly muscular but not lanky either, and had a messy buzz cut of near colourless brown hair atop his head.

“Mr Brock.”

“At last we meet, Doctor Connors.”

“A pleasure, but what is the nature of your visit?”

“I'm not here for me… well, not exactly. I've got someone who would like a word with you though.” Eddie informed him.

“Oh, and where might they be? Under that leather jacket of yours that reeks of smoke?”

“I judge by your tone that you are not interested and uh-” Eddie paused, glanced around the place and then smirked. “- Getting out of this dump.”

Doctor Connors frowned as Eddie turned towards the door. He was curious to hear more, but he had no idea who this person was, for all he knew it could be a trick. But if there was even the slightest chance of getting out of this place… he had to know.

“Wait!” He called at last.

“Ah, change of heart?”

“Something like that.”

“I thought that might do it.” Eddie said smugly.

“You mentioned getting out of here… tell me more.”

“First, allow me to introduce you to my friend. I should warn you to be careful though, he's… rather temperamental.”

Before Doctor Connors could comment, Eddie cracked his neck from left to right and closed his eyes, soon being enveloped in the sticky black of the symbiote that roared in triumph as it was set free.

“M- most incredible… what are you?”

“We are Venom.”

“Not possible. I- I heard the stories but I just assumed-”

“You don't talk, you listen.” Venom growled. “I'm not here to be marveled at, I am here to strike a deal and recruit you.”

“Recruit me?”

“Rumour has it that you have done the tango with Peter Parker in the past, and based on your current living quarters, I can only assume that those rumours hold truth.”

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