Chapter 7; Decisions

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The truck headlights illuminated the driveway, and Peter's eyes widened at the sight of a small male figure standing in the middle. As the truck pulled up, Gwen got out and walked around the truck to where the boy was standing, repeating his name and checking him thoroughly. Peter half smiled at the scene as he leant against the truck body and watched. Though it didn't take away the fresh memory of what had happened. She turned her head so that she could just about see him.

"Anything I can do?"

"No." She huffed. "I can handle this and I don't need you, so you can go on inside."


"I mean it!" She said, taking a deep breath. "You are stressing me out too much right now."

Fresh tears pricked his eyes, but he forced them back and didn't bother to argue as he disappeared inside the house. He headed up the stairs, but turned to one of the spare rooms instead of their bedroom, closing the door behind him and sitting on the small single bed.

Gwen waited until he was out of sight before leading the boy inside the house and sitting him down on the couch. She headed into the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out a small carton of orange juice before returning to the front room and handing it to him. She was beyond worn out and struggled to string even one thought together, but kept herself awake for the sake of Simon.

"Are you hurt at all? Are you hungry? I can make you some food- or if-"

"No, I'm not hurt, or hungry."

"Oh. Okay… Perhaps it would be best if I made you a bed on the couch, and we can talk some more tomorrow."

The boy nodded, and Gwen headed back out of the room, digging inside the closet under the stairs for a clean blanket that would keep her brother warm overnight. She soon settled on a thick blue blanket and brought it back with her ready to cover him. With no further discussions for the night, she said a quick goodnight before heading upstairs and into the bedroom. By then, Peter was already sitting on the edge of their bed and she could tell from his face that he was just as upset. She felt a small ache inside her, but ignored it. He had lied to her, and now it was causing them both great pain.

"Gwen… can- can we talk about this?"

She sighed. "Peter, it has been an incredibly long and emotional day. I am exhausted, and I really don't have it in me to fight with you."

"I said talk, not fight."

"Same difference right now."

"Oh. So, you just want to fight?"

"No!" She stated. "I can't believe you'd have the audacity to say that to me after you lied to me!"

"Crap." He muttered. "How many times do I have to say that I am sorry?"

"Zero. Because it doesn't make a difference."

"Gwen, I'm sorry. I thought that I was doing what was best for you but it all turned out to be a huge mistake. I can't take it back, but I can do my best to make it right."

She turned away, not willing to let him see the effects his words were having on her and silently cursed herself for being unable to control her emotions.

"Look at me, please…" He begged.

Closing her eyes, she turned around and when she looked at him, he was standing in front of her. "Peter, please… I don't want to do this tonight. As I said, I'm exhausted; my head is pounding, my eyes are burning and my whole body aches from the fight."

"But I- I can't sleep knowing that I've hurt you."

The frown from earlier reappeared on her face. "You can't sleep?... I can't believe that's all you can think about. You lied to me, and now you're feeling sorry for yourself?"

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