Chapter 10; Mind of Man VS Monster

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Racing through the building, Peter's head snapped up when a scream tore through the building. Using his senses, he followed the sound and fled down the stairs, dodging all the workers as they attempted to stop him, webbing hands to walls, ducking under their grips and jumping over trolleys being rolled in his path. At long last, he reached the bottom floor and fled along the corridor.

Gwen thrashed around on the metal table, desperately trying to break through the leather that bound her ankles and wrists. She yelped as he thrust the needle into her stomach and pulled once more, trying to break free. With great struggle, one of the leather ties snapped in two, freeing her and before Eddie could empty the syringe, she caught his hand and smacked it away. Moving hastily, she grabbed the needle and threw it across the room.

Eddie's eyes darkened and he looked between her and the syringe that landed on the far side of the room. With one last glance at the needle, he turned back to her and released the other three leather ties.

"Go…" He told her.

Gwen got to her feet and ran for the door, looking back as Eddie yelled before Venom took control. As the symbiote shrieked, she swung the door open and fled the room, with Venom hot on her trail. Her wrists burned, her head was throbbing and her legs were numb, but she pushed herself to keep running.

Behind her, Venom increased his own speed until he was beside her and then gave her a shove. She stumbled against the wall, but pushed herself off and continued running.

"Peter!" She yelled as he skidded around the corner. Before she could stop herself, she collided with him.

"Gwen!" He exclaimed, but she faded fast. With vast reflexes, he caught her before she could hit the ground.

A shriek traveled down the corridor and he looked up to see Venom barrelling towards them. Activating his web shooters, he shot several webs at the symbiote that temporarily blinded him. Thinking fast, eyed the metal pipe that connected from the floor to the ceiling and punched it. Soundwaves traveled and Venom shrieked louder. Peter didn't give him time to recover and instead ran the opposite way as fast as he could with Gwen in his arms. He hurried into the elevator and pressed the button to close the doors just as the shrieking stopped.

The doors closed and the elevator began to move upwards, leaving Venom behind. Peter sighed in relief and turned his attention to Gwen. Her head rested against his shoulder and he could see no sign of injury besides blood in the corner of her lip and marks on her wrists. As the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, he hurried towards the exit, once again ignoring all attempts to get his attention. He shouldered the main door open and stopped on the street outside the building.


Gwen's eyes flickered open as she spoke his name. Her mouth was dry and her voice husky, but she remembered the events that led up to this. Peter lifted his head from where it rested on the side of the bed and mustered a small smile.

"Thank God." He sighed. "For a good minute there, I thought… well, never mind." He dismissed the thought. "I'm just glad that you… Gwen, what happened?"

Attempting to sit up, her face twisted in pain and she laid back down again. She bit down on her lip and instantly regretted it as she grazed the cut with her teeth.

"They know." She croaked and forced herself into a sitting position, grabbing the glass of water from the nightstand and drinking it. Cleaning her throat, she continued. "Peter, I'm sorry."

"For what?" He frowned.

"Being so harsh on you when we last spoke."

"Oh." He mouthed. "Yeah… never mind that, walk me through what happened?"

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