34 ~ His long lost love

Start from the beginning

I love you.
Yours only,

He kept on caressing my arm and I kept on turning the pages of diary.
He placed his hand on one of the page and said while laughing softly, "Read this one, you'll stop crying".

I nodded my head and started reading it,

"Dated : 17.05.2017

Dear Aisha,

I felt so good today, I cannot explain it to you.
I know if you'll come to know that I'm narrating these things to you, you'll definitely kill me.

Aisha, I masturbated for the first time today.
Oh my God Aisha, how do I tell you my feeling. I felt as if I was fucking you.
You won't believe, I was moaning your name while stroking my length.

I felt so good Aisha after I jerked myself off.
But I do not have any hand in this.
My idiot friend, Aniket showed me porn forcefully.

I'm really sorry baby. I'll try not to watch it again.

I only love you.
Yours only,
Vivaan. "

I looked at him and suddenly we both laughed loudly at the same time.

I turned some more pages and my eyes refilled tears in themselves again,

"Dear Aisha,

My Dearest Aisha,

As I sit beneath the starlit sky, the world around me fades into insignificance, for you are the only thing that matters in this moment. With each passing day, my longing for you grows stronger, like a flame that cannot be extinguished.

Though you may be miles away, know that you remain ever-present in my thoughts and in my heart.

Yours only,


He turned the pages more and pointed me at the another one and said with his pleading narrow eyes, "please don't kill me for this one, Aisha, please".

I felt confused, about what it could be. I took it in my hands and started reading the excerpt,

"Dear Aisha,

I turned 22 today. And you won't believe what Aniket gifted me.

A girl-
He brought a fucking girl for me so that I can use her body for my pleasure.

I felt so disgusting Aisha that I pushed him away from his own flat along with that girl.

I mean, how can I? How can he even think that for me?
I would have definitely killed him if he wasn't my bestfriend.

And you know what he said?
He said that he brought her to test that I'm a good man or not!
Does that make any sense?

But let me tell you,
I got my gift yesterday. The most beautiful gift.

You changed your profile picture after three fucking long months.

I'm so happy!

Vivaan. ".

I looked into his eyes and he lifted his hands up and said, "not me, Aniket".

I laughed softly and spoke, "Karma saved you today."

He laughed back, loudly.

Focusing back, I turned out to the last page of the diary until where it was written,

"Why did you stopped writing after this?", I asked.

"Read the last one", he held me more tightly.

"Dear Aisha,

I don't know what to write. Seven years ago, I was going to propose you in this day. I was so happy about this and I was eagerly waiting for that day.

But that day never came,
you were snatched away from me and that was the worst day of my life.

This is the last day that I'm writing something to you.
Seven years along with you have been fantastic. It had become a habit for me to narrate about special days to you.

But I don't have any strength left in me to wait for you anymore knowing that you'll never return again in my life.
I think you will not even recognise me if I'll come infront of you.

I'm just hurting myself more and more.
I am quitting on this habit of mine.

But I'll never forget you in my entire life.
You're my first love and will always be.
You've a special place in my heart and that special will always be reserved for you in my heart.

No one can replace you in my life.

I really hope that may you achieve something great in your life.

I love you.

Tears slipped down my eyes. I kept the diary aside and hugged him tightly, as tightly as I could.

"You're that senior of mine, my first love, how did I not recognise you, how?", I cried in his arms.

"Yes love, I'm the one.
And you're my long lost love~"

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