Chapter 1

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//okay everyone this will be a bit of lore to the story about the worlds history and to tell 3/4 the 15% population of this AU are children //

Location: azur lane base command room
Time: 14:57 hours
3rd pov

Inside a dark command room with the curtains closed, sat the shadowed form of the commander with the only visible part of their body being their glowing green eyes. On the desk in front of them sat a computer in military dark mode, with classified files on it.

//note: if anyone has played the first mass effect. Due you remember the character creation part, this moment is just like that//

"HELLO AND WELCOME TO AZUR LANE DATABASE, PLEASE ACCESS WHAT FILES YOU WANT TO VIEW." An artificial voice said from the computer as the commander chose the files that they wanted to look over. The files appear on screen with what appears to be password locks on them.

"PLEASE ENTER YOUR LEVEL 7 PASSWORD TO ACCESS THESE FILES." After a few seconds the commander enters their password into the locks and presses enter. The file locks disappear after a second with that the files open. The commander clicks open a file that says, with them opening the other two files as while that are named.

•Siren: mass produced ship reverse engineering reports
•Siren: mass produced aircraft reverse engineering reports
•Siren: mass produced weapons reverse engineering and testing reports
•Siren: creation and testing reports by world alliance

Files:Alpha-29-Eagle Union
•Carriers: self repairing project reports
•Battleships: destruction rounds project reports
•Energy weapons project reports
•kansen cloning project reports

Files:Zulu-118-Azur Goddess
•Kansen: true immortality reports by Vestal
•Kansen: re-summoning reports by Vestal
•Kansen: META evolution reports by META Vestal
•Kansen: wisdom cube analysis reports by ????

The commander clicks on a report from the siren files that is labeled as siren prototype test empress-one. The file opens up into a video.

(Location: Echo-labs, Date: July 18, 1939.

The video showed as what looked like a tube filled with liquid of some kind. Pale a Kansen in a tube with her eyes closed and what looked to be three dark purple wisdom cubes with light pink core, started to spin around the kansen for a few minute before they merged into the kansens body. Then her eyes snapped open to reveal glowing dark yellow eyes.

"It worked! Shut it all down now!!!" Yelled what looked to be the lead scientist in heavy duty safety gear. As they moved towards the yellow eyed kansen in the tube, with the kansen now looking at them. "You will be humanities newest soldiers to fight all of our wars for us." Said the lead scientist in a voice of utter confidence and pride at what they created.)

The video file is paused at this point with the commander having their hands on their face with, while looking at the scientist in utter hatred, disgust and contempt for what they created.

"You dumb fucking bastards!!! You idiots and the worlds governments just had to play fucking god and create Humanities worst fucking enemies didn't you, you no good fuccking screw ups." The commander yelled in a tone of voice that screams of repressed rage and anger. With the commander longing out of everything and leaving her office, sighing as they opens their office door to leave. "Time to meet wales at her office and to hear about repulse's fleet report." As they shut the door and the commander walks away from their office heading to meet wales at on of the luxurious meeting rooms.


Repulse and fleet sailed with Formidable's fleet, Repulse can be seen sitting on Formidable's flight deck looking out at the ocean with a questioning look on her face. Walking up behind Repulse is Formidable with a tea platter in her hands as sbe sets it down next to Repulse while sitting down next to her as well.

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