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Zuko's POV

I sprinted through the forest in search of Katara. After the events that unfolded within the last few days, I couldn't help but wonder if she was okay. I had been searching for about a few minutes and still couldn't find her until I heard faint splashes in the woods. I quickly ran over and found her by the lake sitting down with her knees tucked by her chest tossing rocks in the water. I walked over to her not wanting to startle her. The moonlight shined over us and reflected off the lake. As I looked down at her I could she was upset, but for some reason, she looked relieved. I took a seat next to her and sat next to her in silence until she was ready to speak.

"You have to stop finding me in tears", she laughed with a sad smile.

"Yeah, but how else am I supposed to know if you're okay", I looked at her with a concerned smile.

"You know, I have this strange sense of relief now that I've gotten everything out of my system. For a long time, I felt pressure to be "worthy" of being in a relationship with the avatar, and sometimes I felt he upheld me to the same standard.", she spoke softly.

"I know what you mean. Expectations are always put on us in some way or another, but when it's put in a place of comfort it can become difficult to withstand the pressure. I mean obviously, you have some expectations in a relationship, good ones of course, but the other ones can be a bit performative. It just sucks he expected you to do that" I said in a small rant.

"I just think that was one of the last things I expected him to do in our relationship. I know I didn't court him properly like other girls do when they are of age. I was the most untraditional girlfriend", she laughed.

"I mean change is good, it's less boring for sure", I explained shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah, but it's like because I wasn't traditional and he was caught up in trying to restore traditions it's like I didn't fit in his perfect little frame of what he thought life was supposed to be like, and I spent so much time trying to change these expectations. I mean if I did conform to those standards, I wouldn't be who I am today", she expressed.

"True if you did give up, you wouldn't be Master Katara of the Southern Watertribe", I smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right", she said playfully rolling her eyes.

"So, did you really mean you wanted to go with me back to the fire nation, I mean to help and everything', I cleared my throat.

"I did", she looked into my eyes.

"I know you probably have a lot to do, and I just wasn't sure if that was a heat-of-the-moment thing".

"Zuko, I want to go and help seriously, and I definitely can't stay here at the temples. I don't want to go back to the South Pole and explain to my father and Gran Gran why I didn't stay with the Avatar because we were "such a great match". Plus you're the only one who actually listens to how I feel and allows me to work through my emotions without being judgemental, and in these last few years, it has been so refreshing to be around you in these last few days. Also, I'm interested in seeing how the Fire Nation looks it's been years since I've been back. You'll have to give me a tour", she nudged my shoulder while blushing slightly.

I don't know why, but I was anticipating the time we would spend together. The way she speaks about me being a breath of fresh air in her life makes my stomach go in knots. I'm just glad she's okay. It's a lot that has changed about her in the past few years, she looks as if she's experienced tough predicaments in her life. Her eyes were the same blue, but something had changed in them. " I would be glad to show you my home", I smiled.

"So what do you do back home Firelord", she said smirking.

"I told you, you don't have to call me that Katara".

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