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Katara's POV

We finally reached the outskirts of Southern Air Temple and began to move towards the docking port to get the lift to reach Air Temple Island. At the bottom of the lift, it was very foggy and dark, almost to the point where no sunlight could peek through the clouds to fully saturate the area with light. When we began moving up through clouds, I saw the newly refurbished Air Temple and was immediately struck with awe. The Air Temple sat amid the clouds, the sun shined ever so brightly through the sparse clouds above creating the most beautiful pinkish-orange ombre in the sky. The illustrious towers of the tall graciously touch the sky with their smooth white marble walls. The AirTemple was truly a beautiful site in comparison to the last time I stepped foot within the barrier of the Air Temple.

"Lady Katara, would you like me to escort you to your room", said one of the elder acolytes.

"No thank you, I would like to take a look around and explore the temple for a bit, uh actually could you point me in the direction of the Avatar's room? It's urgent."

"Of course, it's down the hall to the left"

"Thank you so much," I bowed.

I began to walk down the long halls and somehow managed to get lost. The tall ceilings, statues, and intricate designs on crown molding caught my attention until I eventually stumbled upon one room in particular. As I was about to approach the door I heard the door knob rattle and immediately went the other way, but slowly peaking my head around the corner in hopes of catching who was coming out of the room. My eyes widened and my stomach dropped when I saw Aang standing in the middle of the doorway embracing a giggling Lahima with hands wrapped around her waist and his face nuzzled in the nape of her neck. He was leaving trails of kisses on her neck which caused her to let out this giggle that sounded gut-wrenching to my ears. When he pulled slightly back from the hug I saw the love bites trailing down her neck leaving reddish imprints on her skin. Then he pulled her in for a long deep passionate kiss. I ran down the hallway tears beginning to well up in my eyes. My mind flooded with emotions of anger, sadness, and betrayal. What could I have done to deserve to be in a relationship with someone who did not feel the need to tell of their changed feelings, and to bring the girl into my homeland after my people welcomed her and showed her hospitality?

I was beyond furious and began to sprint out of the temple corridors to the bamboo forest. The rustling of the leaves was a mere whisper in the wind as I flew past them. I kept running until I found this tranquil and serene lake in the midst of the thickest part of the bamboo forest. Crashing to my hands and knees, I felt the cold earth upon my fingertips begin to sob uncontrollably, clutching the ground beneath my fingers. My heart felt as if it was tearing further and further in half with every tear that left my face. I watched my tears hit the ground mixing with the earth beneath me as I was in a deep agonizing emotional despair.

I began to walk towards the lake, taking my clothes off down to my undergarments with every step. I dipped my feet in the cool water causing a disturbance in the surface sending ripples through the lake. Submerging deeper, I allowed water to slowly cradle me with every step. Heading deeper into the lake, I began to float and the water momentarily held the weight of my thoughts. I contemplated my life and wondered what led me to this moment, further sewing myself in a quilt of anger, confusion, and sadness. Was it my fault? Did I do something wrong? All I ever did was love and care for him, but then I asked myself was I ever in love with him? The continuous questions clouded my mind leaving me feeling heavier and heavier. It began to feel harder to stay afloat. The struggle only made it harder as the weight of my emotions kept pushing me down driving me to lose control and let go. I was unsure if I let the pain go or succumbed to the deep internal emotional oblivion. Everything became dark and in that dark I finally found peace. At that moment I let go.

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