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Katara's POV

The sun peeked through the curtains of my room, warmly kissing my face, waking me up. I slowly opened my eyes and crawled out of bed stretching to my content, taking in the beauty that was the morning. I was entranced by the view that was cast by the sun touching the temples until I quickly remembered who was arriving at the temple today. It had been months since I saw my brother, Suki, and Toph. We had all been so busy we hadn't had time to come together. I rushed to put on my clothes and washed up to eat before they arrived at noon. I decided on a fruit to satisfy my appetite and began to head to the lift to meet my brother and friends. Once I was finished with my fruit, I heard the familiar whir of the lift and immediately ran over.

"Sokka, Toph, Suki!", I exclaimed, excitement bubbling over, as I ran over to hug them.

"How've you been little sis?", he inquired while ruffling my hair.

"I've been great", I responded knowingly omitting the truth. "How was your trip?"

"Long and boring", Toph mumbled with an eye roll.

"It was decent until Sokka almost sent a crew member flying overboard because he forgot to tie down the ropes", Suki sighed.

Laughter erupted amongst the group at Sokka's actions and our recollections of shared memories from the past. Despite the past few months of separation that were filled with individual and global pursuits, we all fell back into our comfort around each other as if we had never separated at all. The temple was filled with warmth as we settled in catching up, enjoying each other's company. I walked the three of them to their rooms in the temple. Sokka and Suki shared a room and Toph's room a few doors down from mine.

*knock knock*

Suki knocked at my door after she settled in. "Katara are you in here"

"Yes I'm here, is everything ok?"

She came in with a warm smile. "Yeah, I just wanted to have a little girl talk if that's alright"

"What's on your mind, Suki?", I replied.

"Nothing much I just wanted to check in on you, We haven't been in contact the last few months, so I just wanted to make sure things were okay"

"Yeah actually things have been-"

*knock knock*

"Katara, are you in here, I just wanted to -, Oh hey Suki", Zuko stopped mid-sentence after he realized she was in the room.

"Hey Zuko, how have you been? It's been a minute", Suki greeted him, a smile playing on her lips.

*clears throat*

"I've been as good as a Firelord can be. Uh, I'm going to go, see you later Katara. I have a meeting to attend, so I'll be at lunch later", he said awkwardly.

Suki and I exchanged amused glances as Zuko left until Toph's bluntness disrupted the laughter.

"So why is Sparky so worried about you?", Toph said at the door with a sly look at the door.

"Toph, I didn't even know you were standing there, and besides it's nothing!", I exclaimed.

"You know I can tell you're lying right?", Toph chuckled.

"Yeah, Katara, is there something we should know about," Suki crossed her arms looking at me.

"Nothing, he just helped me out with something, and it's been a while since we saw each other, so he probably just wanted to see what I was doing."

"Okay whatever I can tell when you're lying, so I'll find out soon enough", Toph said.

"I am not lying", I shouted.

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