“But I helped you! Them! Now thanks to you Porsche you can ask the main family to help me! We are from the same blood Porsche…we are and if they love you do much…they won’t try anything against me, they will help me, they WILL HELP ME!” He said with a scary tone, he looked as if his sanity had disappeared.

Macau eyed Porsche and stared at his waist. A gun. He had a gun hidden under his clothes. Porsche saw it clearly. He didn’t have to think much, witnessing Macau was as close as witnessing Chay. He hated that sensation, he didn’t have the happiest past with the boy or his brother but Arthee was dangerous enough to deliberately choose the other side.

“Just…just give me Macau. He won't do anything. If we menace him he won't be like Vegas at all…just let him sit on the bed…I hate to see how much his situation looks like Chay's and…with that gun…”

Arthee stared silently at Porsche. He seemed to trust him. He knew of his close relationship with Porchay. He loved the younger boy too, this could be understandable. 

“Okay, walk…” Arthee ordered Macau who did it slowly, trying to show how much he was terrified even if he was only partly. 

Porsche took the opportunity to call Arm with his ear material. And he said nothing. Nothing but he heard Arm calling him. He heard him beginning to panic and then he thought that some information was needed.

“No one saw you…uncle when you opened that door?” 

“No…I was careful…” 

Arm and Tankhun furrowed an eyebrow and turned again the camera of the corridors. It was really discreet, Arthee was used to running from them, from anyone, so he chose the right angle to be less seen.

Arm sighed. They had missed this, they weren’t enough to keep an eye on the whole house.

Macau was near the bed when Porsche just slid his hand to take the gun, pushed Macau on the bed, hurt his leg badly while standing in front of him and shot at his uncle's gun to put it down.

“The fuck!” Arthee screamed, surprised, disappointed by his nephew. He couldn’t stand this betrayal, he couldn’t anymore but Porsche, after all those years taking care of them, he did. His anger was growing in hate, it was consuming him and the fact that Porsche was showing his back to that enemy but aiming at him, his own family. He couldn’t take it at all, not at all. 

Porsche's hand suddenly got shot violently. It only scratched it but enough for blood to fall. Arthee wasn’t as kind as him anymore. He rapidly took another gun he had hidden and which couldn’t be seen and attacked Porsche by surprise.

His gun had fallen. Macau and him were defenceless. Arthee had no limit.

“Now…you give me no choice than to menace Kinn…with you…” He announced without any emotions, he lost them a long time ago.


When Porsche called, Arm had given Porchay’s and Kim's call to Tankhun. He had asked everything possible, if there was something useful in the room, tools or anything that can help. There was nothing. It was just a usual infirmary room, it was just white, there were just beds. Nothing to help in any way. 

Kim couldn’t do anything. He could only watch Porchay’s hands covered in blood and his panic. He was calmer, this pressure was clearly his natural environment. But witnessing his boy in that state broke him. He never had wanted to push Porchay in this, to experience this much horror. 

Kim sighed. He could still do good. He tried to move, it hurt so bad but his boyfriend saw it. 

“Don’t fucking move P’Kim! Don’t Don’t please! You can’t in your state! Pleassssseee.” Porchay cried out, he didn’t have enough worries and enough strength for two emergencies. He couldn’t let any of them be more hurt than now. He didn’t even rest from their kidnapping that he was already emotionally on the edge. He hated this. He hated it so much.

“I won’t it’s okay Chay…I won’t.” He meant it. “Is Arm there?” 

“I don’t know! I don’t know Phi! He isn’t here anymore I-”

“Chay. It’s Tankhun.”

“Phi!” Porchay screamed out loud. “Tell me please! Do you have a solution ?” 

Tankhun had nothing more than his voice, nothing more and it was annoying him. He didn’t want to lose someone else from that house and even more someone he thought he could count on. Big always had been their biggest ally for Kim too, he was keeping an eye on him and he was perfect for his brother’s personality. He didn’t want to lose him. Not at all. But he had nothing more than his own voice.

“Keep pushing on it Chay. I don’t have more but just push on it. You can't let this blood go away, even if he suffers! You aren’t you anymore okay? You are a mechanism pushing. Just push.” Tankhun slowly said, in a calm voice. 

Porchay didn’t answer. He just tried to breathe, breathe softly but surely. He tried to do it and pushed with all of his will on that wound. He already did it for Porsche. He could again, he could. 

Kim moved just a small amount to caress his back. It relaxed him rapidly. 

A loud sound came from the door. Porchay didn’t even react, concentrated on Big who was still conscious. 

Kim took the call. His voice was still a little rough when he said : “Phi…I think that they are coming inside soon.” 


Kinn walked with an assured but fake confidence in the corridors, followed by Erika. She had wanted to be at the front line but Kinn refused. He was the leader now, he would prove it. He would erase all of them. And they all fell down violently. He couldn’t stand that his own place was still under his uncle's order when he died, he wasn’t an authority anymore. He would take the head, put them down and not allow anyone from Gun's time be able to work for them anymore. He wouldn’t trust those men, those unfaithful ones, ready to betray in some seconds. He was imagining through their death a better future for the minor family. 

Until he couldn’t shoot immediately even if his rage was screaming. 

Vegas was here. All free. Not wounded. He didn’t know who he was now, Gun's man or his own person. He didn’t know and he hated to not be able to choose. He still had a kindness he thought he should have erased a long time ago for his cousin. And Porsche and all that he said on their last encounter, and his despicable existence. Kinn was resisting the temptation. 

His anger was growing even more when he saw Pete standing in front of his cousin, to protect him, to defend him. He couldn’t get what was happening but he honestly didn’t think first about Pete being able to betray him. 

Vegas smirked. He smiled way too easily given to Kinn the struggle of just aiming and not pulling the trigger. 

“Kinn…” A voice appeared, Time who was hiding at the corner reached them.

“You good?”

“I am. But you didn't make me come the better day.” He laughed before stopping feeling the heavy atmosphere. 

“What does this mean?”

“What do you think it mea-” Vegas tried to play but Pete kicked his stomach with his elbow to shut his mouth.

“Khun Kinn don't listen to him. He decided to join our side in return for Khun Macau's safety.” 

Kinn smirked now. Pete was doing well. He was going to answer them when the bodyguard's face became astonished. 

“Pete? What's going on?” Kinn asked, knowing him by heart.

“We got two emergencies. Khun Kim and Khun Porchay are with a wounded Big and the doors won't be able to restrain the enemy for a long time and Khun Macau and Khun Porsche are Porsche’s uncle hostage.” 

The silence wasn't heavy because even if they were enemies, Vegas and Kinn knew exactly what should be done. 

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now