The Beginning of their story

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It was a normal night in splendorious everyone in the palace was asleep intel the voices of soft laughter could heard coming from inside the palace. Inside the palace were the two little royals Princess Rachel (Age 6) and Prince Ira (Age 7).

Rachel giggled as Ira pulled her along the corridors "Ira we have to be quiet or else were gonna get caught." Ira looked over at the princess with a apologetic look. "Right sorry about that I just to hurry to the palace gardens so we can actually sword fight for once without being caught by my royal guards TvT." Rachel chuckled "good point let's hurry."

Once Ira and Rachel managed to get outside the palace Rachel was laughing so hard "I don't understand how we didn't get caught." Ira grinned "It's because of how stealthy we were." Rachel looked at Ira with amusement "You call that stealthy I call that nearly getting caught." Ira pouted "Oh Rachel where's the fun in adventure." Rachel looked annoyed "You said so yourself you didn't want to get caught." 

Ira looked offended "I did not say such thing you probably were just hearing things like you normally do." Rachel's eye twitched as she jumped into him causing them to go rolling down the hill. Once the two got to the very bottom Rachel looked directly at Ira with a death glare "you take that back." Ira was looking at her in shock and aw. Rachel looked at him in confusion "Um Ira are you okay."

Ira snapped out of his trance and nodded "yeah I'm okay but we should probably head back to the palace." Rachel pouted "Aw man I thought we were gonna sword fight today for the first time." Ira sighed "You really don't know what a joke is do you." Rachel looked frustrated "Of course I do I just really hoped you were not joking this time."

Ira sighed softly at Rachel "Listen were both still to young to wield a sword and I don't want you getting hurt you mean to much to me and If I hurt you because I caved to let us you the swords I wouldn't know what do with myself." 

Rachel sighed "Your right I didn't think of that." Rachel looked up at Ira  before placing her hand against his cheek Ira was slightly taller but Rachel could still reach him she gently kissed him on the cheek. Once Rachel pulled away she smiled gently at him "Thank you for tonight I really enjoyed it." 

And then with that Rachel bounded of toward the palace for some sleep for the start of the new day so she could actually play with her friends. Ira was walking back because he wanted to get a good look at the starry night sky once inside the palace he got to his room and soon fell asleep. Rachel had just gotten to her room. She walked up to it a got in before falling into a very well rested sleep

(Chapter 1) (The Beginning of their story)

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