chapter : 9

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Prem looks fine to me sitting in front of me slurping the slushy. But his limping walk says otherwise.
I think he has worn this high collered dress just to hide from me.

I was staring at him intensely but he seems to avoid my gaze.
He knew something which I don’t know.

"Say it already"
He looked flabbergasted
"The thing you are hiding"
He again looked away
"I am hiding nothing"
"Prem.. Don't make me ask again"
He was fidgeting in his seat.
"Is it about Roman?"
Now he got stilled
"What happened to him"
He was again silent
"Fucking say something"
"He got married"
I stilled for a moment but then i got the joke and started laughing.

My laughter came to an end when I saw Prem wasn’t laughing with me.
A sourness infiltrated my whole system.

"Are you serious?"
He nodded and tears dropped from my heart. The despair after hearing the truth had me crumbling.

"With whom?"
I whispered
"There is no need to know."
"Tell me"
I raised my voice.
"Boun's cousin."
"That bastard trapped my Roman, right?"
Prem shook his head "the marriage came from his side"

I started shaking in anger.
I was crying loudly.
I never thought this day will come.
There was crimping pain in my heart.

Prem came to me and caressed me.
"Don't... Have this water"
After calming down a bit I asked,
"Is he happy?"
"Looks like that but can't say what he feels inside"
"How did all this happened?"

He sighed, "you don’t know day Roman came to this office."
"To meet Sir Forth"
"What did he say to Roman?"
"It was a trap.. And he fell for it. Roman saw you with Sir, being intimate."
I got silent - he saw..
"And you seem to enjoy that.. It broke Roman"

We stayed in a pause for few seconds.
I looked at Prem, "how did you know all of these?"

"I was held captive inside Sir Boun 's cell near Roman... All we talked was about you"
"What did he say?" i whispered
"He was shattered.. In the meantime Sir Boun made Linda taking care of him.. They got close. Now Roman is a part of their family."
So he is happy..

"Beam.. Roman loves you a lot.."
"Does... Does he...he...loathe me?"
It broke me to million pieces.

"Don’t think much... It was all Sir Boun 's doing..  Sir Forth  wanted to kill him.. But it was Sir Boun's idea to make Roman hate you..."

My mind was puzzled.
I ran from there...
It was too much for me..
My Roman!
He despised me - married another girl. I came out and sat on the car.

I have to meet him now.
I went straight to Forth's office.

Inside his office he was having a meeting with some delegates.

"How could you do this to me? You ruined everything for me."
I shouted.
But instead of getting angry that dumb bastard was smiling.
He kissed me lightly.
"You came to see me."
Is he deaf or what?

I slapped him hard, in a few seconds his eyes were red, still he smiled and took me in his arms - forcefully.
"My beautiful Snow White, why are you angry?"
I tried to remove my hands from his but he Clutched me more tightly
"My love, you know i don’t like it when you try to defy me. (Caressing my neck) now tell me what's the problem?"
At this point tears came to my eyes,
"You made Roman hate me. Why? Why? Why? You know how much he means for me"

He smirked "he means a lot to you, that's why he needed to go"
He whispered.
I got chills at his menacing voice.
"And i will make sure he never comes between us, even the death can't separate us - i have made my will : the day i die, will be the same date for your death anniversary"

Is he serious?
When i was in my head, he started kissing me, aggressively.
This only meant one thing.
He is gonna break my bone today.


After three days :

I will meet him today by hook or by crook.
I know my Roman - he won't disappoint me. He will listen.
And I have to apologise to him.
He deserves a sorry from me.

I am now getting ready as a servant.
At the entrance, lots of guards are there. So I have to take the back door.
But it only opens for the food supply.
I pulled on my mask and got mingled with the employees.
They could not recognise me but soon they will start searching for me.
So I have to be quick.

Successfully I came out and as talked before Prem is here to take me.
We both know after this we both will get punched in the gut.
But i have to do this. I forbade Prem to stay in this with me. He told me he will do this risk for me. This boy is pure hearted.

As the destination came, i saw a gigantic villa in front.
"He lives here with Linda"
Something crumbled inside me.
I ran inside - after few knocks a beautiful blonde opened the door.
"Who do you want?"
I was so emerged in her beauty that I couldn’t form a word.
"Can...Can I meet Roman?"
"Oh.. My husband is upstairs. How about you come inside and I call him? Come and sit"

My husband?
Tears came in my eyes. I followed her inside. The villa is so well decorated.
I was looking up and down. My gaze got stuck at a particular wall.
Their wedding photo is so beautiful.
They look like the fairytale.
The fairytale I wanted.
I didn’t notice I was sobbing.

"It’s beautiful Isn’t it?"
After so long I heard his voice.
I removed the teardrops with the back of my hand.
I looked back at him.
He looked so handsome. Just like before. He was glorious. Beaming with lights.

I nodded "yes it is"
"What are you here for?"
I didn’t speak but starred at him nonstop.
He sighed "please say what you want, i have to go out with my wife"
I was still silent.
"Please leave if you don’t have anything to say" he was walking away from there.

"I am sorry"
He stopped
"I am sorry for everything that you faced because of me"
He didn’t look back at me but started going towards the stairs.
"Please Roman, i know i have hurt you. But please try to understand."

"I don’t want to understand you.... Ever...Again.. Please leave my property"
Without looking back he roared those words at me and left from there.
I just shed tears.
He didn’t even take my sorry.

I came outside the villa.
But in my sorrow i didn’t notice the person standing before me.
When i looked, it was Forth.
He was expression less.
Silently he opened the backdoor of the car for me. I saw Prem on the other cardoor looking downcast.
I sighed. This poor guy will get tortured for me.

I sat inside the car.
When i looked at the villa one last time, i saw Roman looking at me from the second floor window. There was something in his gaze i could not read.
And the car started.


#how is it

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