chapter :5

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I am getting agitated with this utter silence. My mind is restless. It’s filled with only Roman. Forth is still in his meetings. I should try to escape. But I don’t even have any money.
And I don’t know where is Roman.
The boy was still in the corner waiting for my command.
I felt pity for him.
"What's your name?"
The boy flinched at my sudden voice.
But he overcome it immediately.
"Prem sir"
"Come close"
He took timid steps towards me.
I pointed at the empty seat beside me.
He sat down. But he was looking down all this time.
"Are you feeling shy?"
"Huh! Why"
"You are not looking at me"
"Actually sir forbid everyone to look at your face for more than 10 seconds"
That bastard!!
"He is not here. So you don’t have to do this"
"I can't defy sir, actually no one can. He has eyes everywhere - he listens every word we speak."
Now i was scarred.
"Can you tell me what your sir exactly do?"
"He is someone very powerful, someone who has the ability to finish a person - like he never was born. Some says he is only a business tycoon, some say a drug dealer. But no one can say what's his specific job is."
I want to run away now.
Who is he?
If he has so much power then what did he do with Roman?
I was now shivering in anxiety.
My roman!
My love roman!
I was now crying.
Prem was now on the floor in front of me begging me to stop.
But my eyes were not listening.

The door bursted open. A fuming Forth charged towards Prem and kicked him hard.
"What did you do?"
I was shocked with the burst out.
"Please sir.. I was only answering Master.. Nothing else" Prem was crying now.
And it was my fault.
I went to forth and hugged him.
He stopped kicking Prem and held me tight.
"I am sorry my snow white. I should have left you.. With this idiot. I am at fault. Forgive husband" he was whispering sweet words in between smooching me. No one can predict him.
I looked at Prem - whimpering on the floor in pain.
"Forth, prem didnot do anything. Please spare him. Let him rest"
He snickered after looking at Prem.
"Hey leave."
Prem left with struggling to stand up.
I felt pity for him.
It was my fault.
Yet he suffered.

"Now let's go. I have my friend to meet you"
He then took me to another side of this floor - which looked like a bar.
It’s a office then why a bar?
Forth pulled me at the centre of the circle of sitting are.
"Guys look my snow white."
I saw bunch of guys sitting with glasses in their hands. Everyone was high. Some were even doing drugs,  girls sitting on their laps.

A figure picked my eyes. It was Prem struggling to  remove himself from a tall blond guy. That guy was trying to touch prem every where.
He suffered because of me. So I should help him. I approached them.
I saw Prem sobbing - that blond guy was biting his neck. I felt worse after seeing him like that.
Prem looked at me - his face was red soaked with tears. That guy didn’t stop still.
"Prem let's go. I need you"
He looked warily at that blondie.
"Hey blondie. Leave him"
That guy looked and smirked at me.

 Leave him"That guy looked and smirked at me

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"Nice to meet you too Beam"
He knew me.
"I won't.  Find another one" he barked
In the mean time forth came.
"What happened love"
"I want Prem to go with me"
"Boun, leave Prem"
"No. You should take your wife from here"
Forth sighed.
"Love prem will come after Boun is finished with him"
Is this guy for real?
I got angry.
I took Prem's hand and dragged him from there into the washroom.

After a minute of silence.
"Thank you"
He looked timidly at me.
I was having a headache at this rate.
"Why did you let him touch?"
He was silent
What can i say?
Even i myself could not do anything when forth forced me.
"Here wipe your face" i offered a tissue.
"Who is he. He seems to be close with Forth"
He nodded
"His half brother. From his mother."
It was a shock because they looked nothing like each other.
"His mother doesn’t know what her sob does?"
"Yes. But she is like us. She was kidnapped by Boun sir' s father while she was pregnant with forth sir"
I was beyond shocked. So fucked up..!
I then realised it’s in their blood.
"Is Boun a playboy?"
"Don't know" he whispered
"Does he do this often with you?"
"Recently he is making my life unbearable. He is everywhere. He wants me in his bed. So he is offering me money. When I declined, he started blackmailing me. I have a huge loan. He is using that against me"
My heart dampened.
This guy is suffering more than me.
"I am curious"
"About what?"
"Forth doesn’t like me associating with anyone. So why does he allow you to talk with me?"
He paused, then smiled..
"Your are smart. Sir ordered me to answer any question you asked. He said you should know details about your husband. And he also knows about Boun sir. So i won't be problem for him"
I sighed and slipped on the floor.
Clutching my head, i huffed
"I wanna go home"
Prem sat beside me with his knees folded.
"I want a long sleep"
Both of us are the victims of the Sir's lust.
Now Only a miracle could save us..

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