Discovery - Chapter 1

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In the midst of the dark in which cal shut his eyes, there was suddenly a blinding light. It cut through cal's eyelids with ease, blinding him in an instant despite finally making himself comfortable under his sheets. He almost instantly went to flinch at the light once he noticed it, though finding himself unable to move. He clenched his eyelids harder, gritting his teeth to make a desperate attempt to force his body to move before managing to open his eyes after a temporary struggle.

The rest followed; opening his eyes then slowly regaining his ability to turn his head, then the rest of his body along with it. Though, the sight he saw wasn't the ceiling of the tall pyramid he temporarily called home, accidentally falling asleep on the couch once again. Despite this being proven false, it also wasn't the dark dorm that gave him a sense of comfort in being alone all by himself for a change. Despite the new location being quiet as well, almost deadly still even, it was bare and the temperature was overly humid. He was in.. a desert? He's been teleported to one before oddly enough, originally when he found out he was a demigod. It wasn't his favorite thing to be teleported random places obviously.. but he didn't think it would happen again so suddenly. Though.. this time it was different.. something was just off, and it easily made cals stomach tense with a feeling of dread.

Though what cal found most odd was the overwhelming smell of copper.. or iron? Did it really have that distinct of a smell; he could practically taste it at this point. With the odd scene before him he had almost forgotten he still had the rest of his body to move. Cal opened his mouth to monologue to himself, finding it a beige habit of his to do when he's anxious or alone. It comforted him to a certain degree, despite being deemed as a bit odd. His mouth hung open once he got the feeling of how heavy his lower jaw suddenly was, not allowing him to speak with the feeling like he had glue smeared over his mouth.

The taste and texture was even more dissatisfying once he got the feeling back in the rest of his body, it felt too heavy for being a liquid and tasting like an over abundance of melted pennies were in his mouth- followed by scattered chunks that made him shiver when questioning the idea of what it was. Cal's senses all seemed to come rushing back to him in that instant. He could feel his knees pressing against the mildly warm sand; the strands of hair over his eyes while almost touching them, and the heavy substance from his face smeared over his hands. Despite the darkness of the desert, the moon was bright enough to illuminate whatever its light touched. This light was enough to see the thin strands of hair that obscured his vision to be a appealing silver, it was enough to tint the sand it's natural tan color, and it was enough to show the substance on cals hands were a watery red.. dripping down his palms to his wrist and landing in small droplets on the sand.

Cal flinched, feeling his heart beating in his ears now as he felt a shiver run through his spine. His jaw almost dropped, a small stream of the same fluid rushing from his lip back into his palm. Cal instantly was hit with a wave of nausea along with a loud ring in his ears that echoed on. Cal forced himself to gag, disliking how familiar the taste had began to feel in his mouth as he shook the blood from his hands. He clawed at his own mouth, spitting up whatever he could desperately as he hunched over on his knees, starting to hyperventilate once he realized the abundance of the substance in his mouth were the same as what was on his hands. It seemed never ending. He continued to claw at his teeth and his tongue, spitting up whatever blood and small slimy bits he could grasp on to. He could feel his throat closing up, his eyes burning as his chest rose and fell in panic.

He had no words.. besides wondering was going on obviously. It was too real to be a dream.. he never had regular dreams after meeting khonsu and moving into camp; they always mean something.. so what does this mean? What does waking up in a desert at night, spewing up blood mean to a person? He couldn't grasp it.

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