Lola got out of the room fully dressed in clean clothes, smelling good and looking good. I went to grab the car keys but she got to them before me.

"You're still grounded" Lola said with smirk, I flipped her off then we both made our way to the door so we can leave but we were stopped by my mom speaking again.

"Dalida will meet you there" I know she wants us to be safe but getting aunt Dalida to show up? That's insane, we're not going to war we're just going to get Daisy.

Neither of us questioned her and we just nodded and left the house, four more guards were waiting at the door they were going to drive in a separate car while Lola and I in a different one.


The neighborhood where were Daisy lived was cute, it was a rich one but just middle class building with multiple apartments. It was nice honestly, it had a pretty little garden at the front.

"Something doesn't feel right" I heard Lola say, I was looking up at the tall building when I heard glass breaking and saw something falling down from the very last store...

"Eh Lola?" I said still staring at the thing as it gained speed the closer it got to the ground.

The closer it got the better look I got at what it was, I was roughly pulled out of the way before it fell on me and the guy slammed on the ground with a disgusting loud bang splashing everywhere, nothing of him was left.

"I guess your aunt started the party without us" Lola said, before both our dumbasses realized Daisy could be in danger. We hurried up the stairs in high speed that we reached the last floor in about 7 or 8 seconds. I followed after Lola because she knew which apartment was in.

I mean if the army of guards standing in front of her apartment didn't give it out then I don't know what will.

"Took you about a thousand years to get here" my aunt said still holding this guy by his neck, she looked so angry, the front of her button up shirt was ripped and we could see her skin.

"Those mutts were disguised as guards, how can you morons be so damn stupid and not realize!" She yelled guiding her words towards our men standing by the door and we could feel the guards shift outside, they were terrified of her and so were we.

"Somehow my job is to be everywhere at anytime to save your asses" she yanked him out of the already broken window throwing him out like she did with the other we saw earlier.

"A woman can't have sex with her wife in peace? Jesus fuckin Christ, can I get a break?!" She sighed loudly before turning to look at Daisy who looked terrified.

"Daisy Darling I'm not talking about you" my aunt smiled at her before sitting down on the chair. Daisy looked at us her eyes found mine and I felt myself melt into them, they were so beautiful...

She got off the bed and ran towards us, I was waiting for her to come to me, I was waiting for her body to slam against mine but it ran right past me  and land in Lola's arms only leaving a faint scent of her perfume. I closed my eyes and tried to hide the fact that I was a bit hurt.

"There are more coming, we have to leave" my aunt said while looking out the window, I nodded and stepped out of the way for her to walk out the apartment our guards following after her, Lola went inside the apartment to look for anything Daisy will need. I didn't say anything, I just kept my head down and walked after my aunt.

I felt a hand grab my wrist and stop me from going, I felt the tingles wrap around my whole arm sending shocks right to my cold heart. Aurora this is not the time...

Daisy pulled me back but I didn't dare look at her, I will crack, I will fall again and again... I saw her get on her tiptoes to try and reach my face, her lips landed on my cheek and I've never felt my face get warmer this fast in my life. I swear to God if I had a heart it would've stitched its own wounds just to beat for her again.

"Thank you for coming" she whispered softly, I touched my cheek with my hand still staring at Daisy in surprise her cheeks a bit rosy from what just happened. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it, she's just being nice like always.

"Why are your ears red?" I heard Lola say and point to my ears, I blushed even harder but didn't find the words to talk back so I just hid my ear with my hair and we all left the apartment.

She kissed my's been a while since she's done that.

Hello! How's everyone doing?!



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