Chapter 4 Talking

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Location: Teacher's lounge 6:00pm

Izuku Midoriya followed his teacher, Ms. Midnight to the teachers' lounge for something that he doesn't know but has the opportunity to speak to her. He sits down on the sofas while Ms. Midnight sits across from him.

Midnight: Do you know why I brought you here?

Izuku: No, Ms. Midnight, I do want to talk to you too, but you can speak first.

Midnight: My, you do have some manners to allow a lady to talk first?

Izuku: Yes.

Midnight: Okay there's something I do want ask you and I need an answer from you but we'll get to that part, but to tell you this first, Midoriya, I did see you that you are heartbroken when you saw Uraraka cheated on you.

Izuku: You were there?

Midnight: Yes. I was going to bring Eri to you so that both of you can surprise Uraraka for Valentine's Day. So I was gonna leave Eri by Uraraka's dorm room until I noises coming from her room saying some naughty words and mentioning your name, which of course I did cover Eri's ears. I even heard footsteps approaching over here, so I picked Eri up and hid beside the corner of the wall, and then you saw it right in front of you.

Izuku: So, you know about it and you told Mr. Aizawa, All Might, and Principal Nezu about it?

Midnight: Yes, that is why Principal Nezu gave Mr. Aizawa, a position to give a punishment warning where if Uraraka or Bakugo try to come up to you or hurt you, not only will they get detention for 5 days but they'll be forced to hand over there Provisional Hero Licenses.

Izuku: Oh, those are some quite the punishment warning Mr. Aizawa gave to them.

Midnight: Yes, and I do personally want to apologize to you for the events that happened.

Izuku noticed that Midnight was in tears.

Izuku: Hey, are you crying, Ms. Midnight.

Midnight: Yes, I- I couldn't just stand there doing nothing while one of my students was breaking down into t- tears.

Izuku got up, approached her when she stood up, and did what he never expected to do. He gives Midnight a hug. She gives Izuku a hug as well, which moves him into tears.

(Note: Izuku is taller and closer to Midnight's height to face each other equally)

Izuku: You know, I was supposed to be tearing up, not you.

Izuku said while hugging Midnight without any chance of leaving each other' embrace.

Midnight: I know. I'm sorry if my tears left a stain onto your shoulder.

Izuku: It's okay.

They hugged each other for five minutes and then let go. They grabbed a few tissues to wipe their tears off of their faces.

Izuku: Are you okay?

Midnight: Yes. What about you?

Izuku: Better. Was there something important you wanted to tell me about?

Midnight: Oh, right! I was wondering if you want to do your 2nd round of the Hero Work-Studies with this person?

Midnight gives Izuku the file paper to see her name on the Hero Work-Studies.

Izuku: You want me to do my Hero Work-Studies with you?

Midnight: Of course.

Izuku: But why me? I mean, this is a good opportunity. But are you allowed to do this while doing your teacher work in class and Pro Hero work activities in town?

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