1.3 Dior suit

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" Heyyy, can't you see, you just ruined my friend's dior suit , look at me when I am speaking you, are you blind or what or just pretending to act all innocent infront of me,oh I get it now,tch tch, why do you all women tend to do things which you can't handle."

That's it, " I'm sorry,-" "It's her fault blame her, why are picking up on the whole women community. " A woman spoked cutting me in my half sentence.

" And yes, you over here , because of women like you, who starts to drool over handsome men and do crazy things to pursue them, are the reason why women are always misunderstood. Which way are you looking, look here I am talking to you, hey" With that she pushed me by my shoulder.

I smirked," Mr. Dior suit, of course the one who is wearing it. Speak up, it's just you remaining come' on I just ruined your expensive suit. I want to hear it from you. " I said. " Okay, fine, first of all, I'm sorry, I really am, I didnt meant to ruin your suit or to ran into you.

If you want I can dry clean it for you or-" " Now look, you are going to dry clean it , oh god it will cost you your whole month salary-" " One more word and you will regret everything you just spat.

Yes, dry clean, if you want this suit only or else you buy a new one, I'll pay " Before that girl speaks I kept my finger a inch away from her lips. " I am really, sorry, this is all my fault, even though, I know this place in and out, I sometime forget people do visit this place even on mondays. " Said.

" It's alright , dry clean will do. " Mr. Dior suit finally said. "But-" " Enough for today, Jae and no need to pay for it, it's alright. " The other man argued but, Mr. Dior suit stopped him .

" No, let him speak, its my fault, that I didn't used my stick today, it's my fault that I wished to be treated as a normal person for atleast 30 min till I was in here, it's my fault, I didn't used my stick to guide me, the place which for me is my safe place after home. " I finished and pulled my stick out of my bag and unfolded it.

Before leaving ," Now, I belive my father that it was really my fault that I am blind." I said and walked away .

" Hey kiddo when did you came?" Mrs. Park asked, seems like she wasn't here all time Or eles she would have shooed that woman. " I just came in." I replied with a smile, despite all that happened before, I am smiling for real just because of mrs. Park.

" I am here for brownies, they were calling me , since the moment I stepped in. " I said. " You are just in time kiddo, wait a minute, I'll get them for you , until then, sit over there " She said, she halted in her steps," Chimmy, please take her to the sofa. " She shouted and left.

Just after some time I heard footstep approaching me. " Please let me guide you madame. " The voice seems to be of a boy around the age of yeo. " May I hold your hand ma'am, you can keep your stick inside." He asked. Atleast someone is trying to treat me as a normal person.

I nodded and folded my stick and kept it in my bag. He then held my hand and guided me to the sofa. After making me sit he said," Well, by the way I am not chimmy, aunt ji-na calls me bunny . The guy who she called chimmy was the one who asked me to hold your rather than holding your stick ." He said .

That chimmy guy must have seen the drama of mine which happed few minutes ago , " where were you a few minutes ago ?" I asked him . " outside, to run some errands ." He replied . " where is he now ?" I again enquired . " He just left , he had an important meeting." He answered.

" He does not work here ?" It is now looking like I am a police officer doing some sort of inquiry. " No, he does not , he is aunt jina's nephew . He just came here to meet her , I first thought why aunt asked him to , you know that , but I got my answers after seeing you . "

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