1.1 Introduction

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Coming back to the point, myself,
Hwang-Mi-So, the C.O.O of Hwang Inc. And the middle daughter of my parents  Hwang Mi-Rae and Hwang Soo-hoo.

I have an elder sister, Hwang Suzy now Lee Suzy, my parents, to be exact my father is still angry at her about she marrying the C.E.O of our company, Lee yeon, without telling any of us ( which is what they think, me and yeo knew about him) .

About yeo, he is the youngest one, Hwang-in-yeop, he is my companion and my eyes too. And we think that we are adopted( which is not true though) , cause he gets whatever he asks for.

Lee Yeon, my brother-in-law, he is like an
elder brother to me, he treat me as his own little sister ( I am not little tho) . He also wished to have a younger sister but ended up having a younger brother,    Lee Rang .

Lee Rang and I are quite close friends rather than that we can say best friends kind of. He is the M.D. of Hwang Inc. He joined two years later after Lee yeon .

Both of them worked hard for what they are today. My sister is the president of Miso Fragrance . That was a side business started by our mom, dad wanted to disorient it, but Suzy went against him and handled it, pretty well.

As we know that, I am the C.O.O of Hwang Inc. I report to Lee yeon and Lee Rang reports to both of us.

Apple of eye, my yeo, he is in the senior most year of his university and is going to graduate soon. He likes business but he is more into sports.

Oh I almost forgot about Jackson, he was son of aunt May ( our father's sister) . Uncle Wang died in an accident when Jackson was 5 years old. Since then she is living with us. I am seeing her from the day I was born. It was her who brought us up.
We love her. She is our confident, she knows a every little secret. Even the Lee brothers tell her rather than telling their mom.

Jackson take cares of all the foreign branches of Hwang Inc. Jackson is a year older than me And mina is jackson's real sister. She was a year old when the accident took place. Mina and yeo are of same age but mina studys Arts and yeo studys business management. Even though they are in same college due a very large campus, they hardly get to see eact other and very less people know that they are brother and sister.

Wait, I have one more person to introduce, before marriage my mother's last name was Min. So , last but not the least here comes my uncle's son my beloved brother, Min-yoon-gi. He is a lawyer and works a law firm named Legitimacy of which the founder is Kang mi-rae.

(My conspiracy tells me that some thing is going on between them. Shush do not tell anyone. )

So including Lee brothers and yoon-gi, we are eight in total.

All of them are my home and adventure all at once.

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