Chapter 4 - The Larecs

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"Fred? How can this be? On the bus Annie said you were dead!" Cassie's eyes filled with tears when she looked up to her brother but he didn't stop smiling.

"As soon as we reach a safe place, I'll tell you everything, I promise!" They reached a car that was as black as the young man's clothes. He held her close in one arm while searching for the keys and opening the door at the passenger's seat. Gently put her into the seat then joined her from the otherside. The car engine started with a soft purring and within minutes they were far away. Cassandra didn't know where they were heading but the landscape was familiar. They must've been back in the UK. This means that her parents brought her home for the 'treatment.' "Lovely" she thought to herself and turned back to her brother.

"Please, tell me already what's going on!" she begged but he shook his head, sentencing her to one and a half hour silent travel.

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After that they turned right on a dusty road into the woods then stopped at a huge modern home. Frederic stopped the car and hurried to open the door for her. Cassie jumped out of the car, straight into a pinecone, realising she was bare feet.

"I'm sorry, I forgot," her brother smiled apologetically. He picked her up and carried her to the enormous wooden doors. There he took off his gloves and put his palm on a sensor next to the door. The sensor beeped shortly and the door opened on its own.

The house was as spacious as she would expect. The floors were covered with dark carpet and the walls were all different colours. Frederic showed her around proudly. At the end they peaked into a library on the main floor which had bookcases from floors to ceiling. After that he escorted her to the second floor into a mostly empty room with its own private bathroom.

"You must be exhausted and probably still under the effects of those drugs they gave you. So I think it'd be better if we talked tomorrow," he ended his monologue about the house. And then his gaze stuck on the bloodstain on her hospital robes, between her legs.

Cassie's eyes once again filled with tears, but he immediately embraced her and rocked her like a baby. "I'm so sorry... but maybe it's for the better," he whispered and let her cry it out. When she could finally stop it, she nodded. She agreed. She didn't feel like she was ready to become a mother yet. She let him help her change her clothes to a more comfortable T-shirt and joggings. Then they both laid down on the bed. She fell asleep on his shoulder. Finally feeling safe.

She dreamt of a brighter future without violence. In a world where there are no creepy old men keeping servants and soldiers who would try to kill her. She dreamt of a reality where her parents love her unconditionally and would never abandon her.

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The golden sun flooded the room, its light piercing through the trees. A multitude of songbirds whistled their joyful tunes outside Cassie's window, perched on branches, swaying their tail feathers. She still slept in. Slept through the earliest bird songs. It was past noon, Frederic knew she was exhausted so he let her rest.

She sat up and looked around the room as she didn't remember doing so at night. In this room the walls were white and now reflected the sunlight. It was a spacious but mostly empty room. There was the queen size bed where she sat but besides that there were only the bedside tables and a small wardrobe. All made of pale pine. So the room felt like an empty guest room.

Someone knocked, and immediately after a tall slim girl entered with large cat-like steps. In one hand a hand painted mug with steaming hot tea, and in her other there were fresh clothes and a big towel. She put the mug on one of the bedside tables and the clothes on the bed. A faint smile appeared on her small lips.

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