Not The Pigeons Please

Start from the beginning

Now the problem was Tyson wanted to ride the "chicken ponies," too, but the pegasi got skittish whenever he approached. When Percy was back on the ground he stared at the horses almost like he did with the Zebra from last summer. Long story.  But the horse didn't seem to budge and made the cyclops cry. 

The only person at camp who had no problem with Tyson was Beckendorf from the Hephaestus cabin. The blacksmith god had always worked with Cyclopes in his forges according to his son. So Beckendorf took Tyson down to the armory to teach him metalworking. He said he'd have Tyson crafting magic items like a master in no time. Unlike the last time when I was inside the forges I wasn't feeling all that hot inside. Nor was I feeling getting cooked like fried chicken.

After Lunch Percy and I went to the arena to train with the Apollo's cabin. Swordplay had always been Percy's strength. He trashed the Apollo guys easily, and I didn't get to train with any of them as they all rather rush him than me. 

It would have been more fruitful if we trained with the Ares and Athena cabins, since they had the best sword fighters, but we don't get along with Clarisse and her siblings, and after mostly their argument Percy didn't want to even see Annabeth. 

"How about it Y/n?" Percy asked "You and I practice?"

That caught me off guard, but I remembered what Chiron's said about training Percy.

"Sure, this should help you stop being so sluggish" 

Percy looked a little offended "But I have condition. I want you to fight me like you did against Luke that night."

. . . .

. . . .

"What?" I asked. I hid my dominant arm behind me that squeezed into a fist.

"When you fought him, I remember seeing that face of yours's like a. . . a wolf and his prey? I know it sounds weird, but you made Luke look easy. When you both clashed blades you over-powered him quickly. The way you changed your weapons forms. How you kept him on the ground." he said with admiration and a shine to his eyes as he look up at me. 

"Will this makes things easier than" I said. Taking a breath and releasing my fist. "Chiron did ask me to train you know. Do you want to do it here or shall we go by the creek so you can get an advantage?" I asked a trick question.

"Wait he did?" he asked

"Uh-huh, told him about how sluggish you got."

"Dude not cool" he said gloomy.

"So what would it be?"

He looked at me perplexed as if thinking over the question. There is only one right answer; getting to train where you at your most vulnerable . And right now Percy is weakest away from water. He looked at his sword seeing his refection.

"Here" he said. No hesitation and no doubt

"Okay. First I want to see what were really working with" I said. "The apollo cabin is mostly pure archers. They don't really stand a chance when comes to close-quarters combat" 

I summoned my spear taking my stance which he should be familiar with. Since we did travel together a lot last summer on his quest and I did use my spear often. He took a wide stance. . .a bit too wide of a stance. And held Riptide with two hands."

The Apollo cabin kids all stood up and took seats around the arena, ready to watch the sparing match between the child of Poseidon and the child of Nike and to there understanding Tyche. Some were cheering for me and some for Percy.

"You know the camp rules no maiming" He nodded "Then let's begin" I said 

I rushed him spear in front, quickly stabbing the ground I used it to stop myself fainting the attack. He moved into a mid guard stance, I spun taking the spear's bladed wings and hooking it around his ankle pulling him off his feet. He tried to spin on the ground to get back on his feet, but I planted my foot on his chest. 

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