Episode 1

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Valerie and her twin brother Jack walked in to the the school cafeteria
They walked to the line
" how you doing it our first day what do you recommend?" Jack asked
" not this stuff I don't know what have of this stuff is " the lunch lady marge said
" well that great " Valerie said
She and Jack turned to see a girl with a with blonde hair tossing an apple in the air she was about to grabbed when Jack caught it with his foot
" ok that was kind of cool I am Kim" she said
" I am Jack " Jack said
" I am Valerie " Valerie said " we new " Jack told Kim looking at her Valerie had to smile her brother they looked at each other for a while.  Valerie smiled
" uh can I have my apple back " Kim said
" oh sorry " Jack said
"maybe I see you around Kim" Jack said
" maybe you well " Kim said
" see you " Valerie said when Kim lifted Valerie raised an eyebrow to her brother " douse Jackie  have a little crush ? " she asked
" Jack scoffed " no " he said He said with a little smile
'yeah, sure I believe you. " Valerie said
as she and Jack turned to see look for a table when she and Jack head someone calling them
They walked to the table
" hey Eddie what you doing those sits are saved for cheerleaders , prom queens and supermodel " jerry said
He looked to Jack and Valerie or in mostly at Valerie
" what a do girl ?" He said Valerie smiled a little bit
" I am Jack this is my little sister Valerie " Jack said
" I am only younger then you by two minutes " Valerie told them.
" so how do you guys know each other ?" Jack asked
" we  friends we do karate together " the red head told them
" we do more then karate Milton this fist are registered weapons  we got even got called to join the navy seals " jerry said
" what navy seals you afraid of baby seals " Eddie said
Jack chuckled and Valerie did as well but then she asked
" why would you be afraid of baby seals there so cute
At that time something from beside hit Milton on the head
" gah" he said
Jerry laughted
" dude you just got hit by the black dragon " jerry said as he laughted
But that quickly stoped when he got hit on the head
" not cool man " he said
" aren't you going to do something about it Don't you know karate ?" Jack asked
" yes " Milton said but then stoped
" but they know it better " he said as he sat back down Jack stood up
" don't worry I got this " Jack told them Valerie quickly got up to follow Jack  to where the black dragon's were sitting she knew Jack wouldn't want any fight but she could never really couldn't see a bully.
" Hey nice outfit are you guys cheerleaders or something" Jack asked
" no well Brain was " the curly hair boy said he stood up in front of Jack and Valerie
" do you have a problem or something " he asked he did began to do some karate steps.
" we didn't come here to fight " Jack said as he and Valerie turned around to go but that only made the bully angry and he was about to hit Jack when Jack stoped him
" you probably shouldn't have done that " jack said and Valerie smiled as her brother and she being to fight the black dragons. She grabbed the chairs and pushed it infant of the boys making them go back and stumbling a bit she could see Jack on a table and a other black dragon slide and fall she also saw him wink at Kim who was holding her food tray and and waving at Jack. Jack winked at Kim and Valerie wanted to roll her eyes but she was kind of busy as she slammed a black dragon cam twords her and she slimed his face in to the pudding
" I hope you like pudding " she said . The fight was soon over as Jack kicked three meatballs in to the leader of the black dragon face marking him not see and run away Jack looked proud of him self as he walked to where Valerie was.
Valerie looked around the people and both of them smeed to realize what they did.
Jack and Valerie turned to run out of the cafeteria.

They stumped a bit at the door but managed to push though it and get out . But after they did they ran and didn't stop.

Later that day Jack and Valerie were skateboard Valerie enjoy skateboarding it was something she did with Jack she did a lot of things with her twin she had friends but since her parents job made them move she wound always be with Jack and his friends. She turned her head when she Heard a cop say
" it the new kids Jack and Valerie  skateboarding " he said Valerie made a face
" Jack " she said as the cop followed then Jack and Valerie those the mall they went though a ally way  she went be-hide Jack though the door.
And before she knew it she and Jack crashed in to something no not something a wall Valerie flipped and landed on her back
" that boy and gril just came though the wall " a familiar voice came to Valerie she was sure she Heard it before.
" that was awesome you guys should try it " Jack said as he helped his sister up. That when Valerie could see the three other face that was there Milton ,Jerry and Eddie as well as marge the lunch lady.
" there you two are come " the cop found them
" got to go sorry about the wall " Jack said as he ran for the door
" yeah sorry that  " Valerie as she ran doing the same as her brother to the door and right in to the cops.
" who was that " someone asked she was sure it was the man who was also with them .
" Jack and Valerie " Milton ,Eddie and Jerry said as the cops grabbed both of them by the arms.
" your in big trouble Jack and Valerie "  Rudy the sensei of the Bobby wassabi dojo as she and Jack sat together in chairs.
" but I have the solution that would keep you two out of juvie" Rudy said
" juvie?" Jack asked  Valerie grabed her arm
" we going to juvie Jackie ?" She asked using his childhood name for him only she could use and only Jack could use the one that he made for her
" we not going vally " Jack said
" not if you help us win  two bealts " Rudy said
" oh " Valerie let out a sigh of relief
" we would help you but we not karate people we skateboards" Jack said
" Jack you and Valerie took down four black dragons and did a spinning  side kick though my wall " Rudy said
Jack sighted
" alright the truth is that our grandfather taught use karate " Jack told them
" he even trained Bobby wassabi " Valerie added
" the Bobby wassabi you mean the founder of this dojo and legendary actor " Rudy said as he started tk point out all the movie Bobby wassabi was in Valerie nodded at him
" the you most know the wassabi code " Rudy said
" you bet" Valerie said
As all three of them said the wassabi code Valerie feelt something in her come back the will to do karate again was comeing.
" so do we have a deal ?" Rudy said Jack nodded
" deal " Jack

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